Well...I do wonder about urea formaldehydes . 'Cascacmite' was the glue of choice when I started out years ago but I found even then that shelf life was limited...after a short while in the tin it became unusable as the powder never seemed to mix properly. Then there was the wastage if you mixed too much...a bit difficult to 'unmix' it and put it back in the tin. That said it's great for things like veneering and laminating, but the sheer 'user friendliness' of modern PVA's and their derivatives mean that for me at least, urea formaldehydes glues (and similar) are left on the back burner for every day usage in the 'shop. There's also the slightly worrying aspect that uf's go off glass hard, which makes them unsuitable where some flexiblility is needed, as in chair joints...one of the reasons why the late Alan Peters never used them, sticking to PVA's instead - Rob