Anyone for Squash?

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Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Reaction score
Thurrock, Essex
Any squash players on the forum? If not, why not!! Myself and SWMBO have recently started going to our local college and using their leisure facilites, and have been playing squash for a couple of weeks in an attempt to get fit and loose a fair amount of excess lbs and I have to say, I absolutely love it!!

It really is fun and damn intensive, but in a good way! I can last about 5minutes in a gym if i'm on a treadmill or bike as its so damn boring, but since playing squash I find I can keep running around like a looney for the full 40 minutes of the allowed use of the court, and even then I feel it's not long enough (Until I get home and my body seizes up that is). We also used the tennis courts a few times, but I get a little bored with that as we spend more time running around the court picking up the stray balls than actually playing.

Anyways, just thought i'd find out if there are any other squash-ees on here, as I have a few questions in regards the rules/tactics etc..
Aye, I play occasionally. The trouble is, because only play occasionally, I subsequently can't walk for two days. It is the most intensive sport I have come across, but very enjoyable. It is also quite sociable as there is an obligatory two pints in the bar afterwards. :wink:
Ah, you youngsters :roll: I used to play a lot in my youth, but that was many years/kilos of tobaccco/inches of waistline ago. Sadly a prolapsed disc in my twenties put paid to that kind of violent exercise and haven't played since about 1980.
I remember it being very popular around then with the mid life crisis set as a way of getting fit, along with Porche 911s and much younger girlfriends (preferably blonde). Until, that is, people started having "coronary events" on court. The concensus seemed to be get fit first, then take up squash - much safer.

Easy does it :wink:
Yup, play 2-3 times a week if I can, member of the club team and play in the Kent club league.

Not sure you want to come to me for tactics though, I tend to be a power player rather than a tactician :lol:

Currently trying desperately to overcome both a shoulder niggle and a knee problem before the winter season starts in October.

Ah, 'Yuppie Russian Roulette', I remember a couple of mates trying to convince me to play years ago, the fact they were built like whippets (or ferrets depending on how generous I was feeling) and I was a Rugby lock forward seemed to be lost on them, I'd need a reinforced court I think (and a crash cart and team of paramedics nearby).
Still, it's good to hear you've found something that is working for you in exercise terms, I need to get my @rse in gear and do likewise (although perhaps a little more gently!)

Take care!

Glad to see others who enjoy it, i'm quite surprised just how much I enjoy it considering how: a - how unfit I am, and b - how I can barely walk in the morning after :)

Atleast it gets me and SWMBO out of the house and off our backsides away from the TV four nights a week, and I get to look at the lovely fit ladies at the leisure centre :)
Vormulac, I weigh 18 stone and still manage it - not all players are built like whippits! Admittedly my bulk helps with the power aspect of my game and you do not see me chasing after too many drop shots, but lack of manouvrability should not be a handicap in squash provided one can accurately place the ball.

I have lost count of the number of old timers who dodder onto the court looking like they need help standing, only to be soundly whelped in a game because they are pinpoint accurate with their placement of the ball.

The old adage get fit to play squash not play squash to get fit is only true for the top players (county leage and upwards). Anyone can get fitter from moderate exercise such as squash. The beauty of it I find is that no matter how hard you hit the ball away from yourself it always comes back again - so much more sensible than tennis :wink:

BB wrote-
off our backsides away from the TV four nights a week, and I get to look at the lovely fit ladies at the leisure centre
BB - two points of interest here, first and foremost....what's your workshop for and second and foremost, is your SWIMBO aware about your other observations? If she is you might come back from the leisure centre more battered than from playing bat n'ball :wink: :D - Rob
BB - BE CAREFUL! :shock:

I assume you aren't in the 18-25 or 60-75 year old bracket, so heed my warning! I've just had 3 months off work with an Achilles tendon rupture after playing football and my physio says that 99% of her patients are mid 30 to 40 year olds who participate in "explosive" sports with No 1 said sport being......? You guessed it! :shock: After my injury, I was subsequently branded a "Weekend warrior" 8)
I did my injury 2 months before my 40th birthday BTW!
20 years too late :) I used to play in a league and typically played 4 times a week - but not enough time these days :cry:

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