Hi, I’m Fitzroy and I’m a woodworker who uses a sharpening jig. Yes, I know these jigs steal my opportunity to build my skills and hone my muscle memory. Yes, I know that the gods of sharpening disparage me, sending me weak edges and nicks for my sins. Yes, I know that I am talked about in hushed terms as people shake their head and sigh. But I don’t care, I’m proud and I shout that it’s my right to use the tools that give ME the best results. I am thankful to get curly shavings and glossy surfaces, I am comforted to see my reflection in the edge of my chisel, I am happy to know the edge angle is 30degrees. But above all I AM A FREE WOODWORKER, rise with me , stand with me, join with me and reject the tyranny of those who say ‘sharpening jigs are not the way’!!!!!!!! FREEDOM!!!!