I got a bit done today on the later Hobbies A1. Thanks to Steve, (loftyhermes), who surprised me with a pair of arms for my saw when he came to collect the older saw. I cut the arms down from 20mm thick to 15mm, which is the same as the old but useless arms I already had. Looking at a couple of old bolts from the older saw, the arms on that one were probably thicker, but too thick for the length of all the bolts and the rear arm tensioner on my later saw. (Did all that make sense?)
The rear spring has yet to go on when I can figure out where to connect it. The bracket I have gets in the way no matter how I fasten it. I need the top clamp, part of the bottom clamp, and the metal straps for top and bottom of the arms. It's not looking too bad though. Sorry about the pic, I couldn't be bothered to put it on the floor to get a clear shot.