America - REALLY????

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But we are an island, just resort to the siege tactic's used in the past to capture your enemy holed up in their castle. It might have taken time but during this time you are rebuilding your military.
True, but the UK was slightly different to a castle- they had the ability to grow their own food, plus the US wasn't the only one helping them- the Commonwealth countries (who all stepped up long before the US) were already sending food and other supplies there...

Not saying it would have been easy, but the US certainly didn't 'win the war' by themselves- there were a LOT of other countries helping the UK from day one...

(Australia was sending over 75% of its annual food exports to the UK during WW2 for example)
Everyone I know in the US- mostly carpenters, tradesmen, engineers and a few hobbyists- have suffered financially during the past few years. They have seen their pre-tax earnings stagnate, partly due to immigration, their post tax earnings depleted by increased taxation. They have watched jobs disappear due to green policies and their sons who have gone through college unable to get work because they are the wrong colour or sex.
The Trump we see portrayed in the British media is very different to the Trump that they voted for
Everyone I know in the US- mostly carpenters, tradesmen, engineers and a few hobbyists- have suffered financially during the past few years. They have seen their pre-tax earnings stagnate, partly due to immigration, their post tax earnings depleted by increased taxation. They have watched jobs disappear due to green policies and their sons who have gone through college unable to get work because they are the wrong colour or sex.
The Trump we see portrayed in the British media is very different to the Trump that they voted for
trump (I refuse to capitalise its name) is very well portrayed in most media outside the US- he is a detestable character, and has had criminal tendencies for most of his life...

His refusal to pay contractors for their work ('sue me') is well known and has been for decades...

Even in Australia- he tried to get involved with Australia's first casino back in the 1980's- and was refused a licence to operate due to his known criminal association with organised crime at the time...
(we were stunned when he got elected the FIRST time- the second time is unfathomable to most of us...)


The trump portrayed in the US righwing media outlets like fauxnews and that trumptards voted for is the fiction...