You may have missed a couple of iterations but you've probably added one; "cripples crossing". I'd be very surprised if that was ever used.A few miles from where I grew up in the 1950/60s there was a main road where the council had very helpfully put up signs to alert drivers. The sign changed every few years as perceptions of the different terms changed (apologies if the words actually offend):
- cripples crossing
- handicapped crossing
- elderly crossing
- disabled crossing
I may have missed a couple of iterations.
I think you are exaggerating your distress!The signs are now no longer there having been replaced by traffic lights using illuminated "cross" and "don't cross" symbology.
I am distressed that these appear to be male symbols - the stick humans are wearing trousers (or naked). They certainly don't wear skirts or use wheel chairs.
On reflection I realise I shold raise this with the roads department and organise a demo to protest at blatant sexism and a failure to recognise wheel chair users as part of society.
I'm quite sure there would also be a racial or ethnic issues attached to the blatant abuse of minorities were it not for the fact that the authorities have chosen red and green for the imagery!
Looking forward to that!Thank you for bringing this up Droogs- sounds a good idea. I would love to share experience of woodcarving ( my one evening off from two small children and running a business - busy, busy, I'm at a local woodcarving club helping new members). I don't get much time to come on here and dip in and out occasionally as I find topics of interest. I will try find the time to share stuff or start a woodcarving thread.
I must admit carving, especially in the round rather than letters, is very much a dark art around the forum as it is something that doesn't get a lot of attention really . Which is a shame as I would love to get some ideas on a notion of how to create carvings for some of the things I would like to make; to supplement my marquetry and inlay. Having an idea of hot to carve something would open up the design possibilities for a lot of us me thinks
Very - keeps me entertained.Plenty of abuse between remainers and brexiteers is that acceptable ?
Not just women though is it, suspect same happens with male nurses, male childminders. It's not the gender that's the problem it's the job is usually associated with a gender.
A man going to a knitting festival, a man crocheting, a man collecting "my little ponies", a man decorating his bedroom with rainbow unicorns, I could go on we are oppressed, I can't really do any of this without wierd looks, I just battle on......................
I've started a Woodcarving project thread in the Project sectionI must admit carving, especially in the round rather than letters, is very much a dark art around the forum as it is something that doesn't get a lot of attention really . Which is a shame as I would love to get some ideas on a notion of how to create carvings for some of the things I would like to make; to supplement my marquetry and inlay. Having an idea of hot to carve something would open up the design possibilities for a lot of us me thinks
Apparently, of the last 10 000 programmed speakers at universities, six were cancelled for reasons that relate to content. Universities already have legislation to protect freedom of speech. The idea they need government intervention is silly.The Queens speech proposed legisation to ensure universities can no longer so easily "no platform" controversial speakers. Allowing people the right to freely express opinions in a reasonable manner is part of being a mature democratic society.
The Queens speech proposed legisation to ensure universities can no longer so easily "no platform" controversial speakers. Allowing people the right to freely express opinions in a reasonable manner is part of being a mature democratic society.
.... Allowing people the right to freely express opinions in a reasonable manner is part of being a mature democratic society.
It's political.It's part of the same argument going on in this thread about "cancel culture" and so on.That's all very well, but the people running the system will just vet the speakers before they're actually invited.
But nobody is obliged to give anyone a platform and the few that were cancelled were for good logistical reasons.
I find Christmas ads a bit surreal, those ones which show a family at the dining table....and seem to include about half a dozen different ethnicities and religions.
I can see it's meant to be inclusive, but it does make me wonder if such a family exists.
And the father is usually black, the mother white. Not very PC the other way around.I find Christmas ads a bit surreal, those ones which show a family at the dining table....and seem to include about half a dozen different ethnicities and religions.
I can see it's meant to be inclusive, but it does make me wonder if such a family exists.