Really? I didn't know that: I genuinely thought that the "woke" Critical Race Theory was was a left wing, university driven thing. They even call themselves cultural marxists.
Or is it a right wing media conspiracy to point out that cultural Marxism is left wing? I freely admit to being confused by the whole mess of Critical Race Theory and its ironically racist anti-racism.
There is a definite attempt to control speech, and even thought, throughout our culture at the moment. The internet is a very powerful tool for mind control - enforcing groupthink through the use of ridicule, censorship, and outright exclusion to ensure only right thinking statements get aired. Speech should be free, even if it is uncomfortable to listen to. The idea that something should not be said just in case someone, somewhere, chooses to be offended is not good way to find the truth.
1984 was supposed to be a salutary warning, not an instruction manual.