I’ve been asked by the head of our household to look into air source heat pumps. We are hopefully moving shortly, and she would like to have an eco friendly heating system in the new residence. I’ve done a little bit of research, and it would appear that financially they don’t financially make any sense even including the £5K government grant available.
My initial work looked at the Kw/H generated from 1 litre of oil and 1 cu ft of gas, I’ve used 60% and 90% boiler efficiency to work out how much it will cost for 10.35Kw of heating energy (equivalent to 1 litre of kerosene which my existing property uses). I’ve looked at heat air source heat pumps and used the optimistic 300% efficiency, however, my reading suggests that this drops down to say 200% (and lower) which I haven’t used) when the air is cool in Winter. The saving with todays high energy costs means that it won’t break even for say 15 years. In fact if the house is highly insulated I will be dead before it breaks even. If I look at energy prices before Ukraine, and oil is going back down in price, the payback is again ridiculous / if ever.
It seems that an efficient air source system needs to run as c40C which is too low for hot water so you need an immersion heater to top up the hot water tanks to stop legionnaires growing (which isn’t I believe included in the 300% efficiency figures quoted). The radiators need to be much larger than for a gas / oil boiler and preferably it should be underfloor if you are to attain the same room temperature. Now my wifey likes it warm (a career running hospitals has made her acclimatised to the heat before anyone suggests running the house at a lower temperature)…..around 22C which isn‘t a big temperature differential for a 40C system, I’m actually wondering in a house that may not be very thermal efficient if it will be possible to attain this room temperature.
Has anyone else looked at how cost effective moving to air source is? Am I missing something?
Whats people experiences, the good the bad and the down right ugly in installing and running such systems?