Advice on hand rivit guns please to try and fix my Star Wars Prep. Cant snap stems and need way to much strenght to set on delicate prop

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24 Sep 2024
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London uk
Hi guys, lookign for some advice on use of rivit guns

I have this Star Wars prop I made on an Art Department course. A sort of mobile control system (whole design process page intor and menu can be seen from here notign this is not yet complete as still workign on it)

On problem I have s with the transmitter towerswhihc can be seen below and some kit bash parts whihc wont stick on

If you look belew from the bottom there is box, then what looks liek air vents, above that what looks like a motor with pipe work in silver (an old dyson motor)

Above that is what looks liek a crown with lots of sticking up bits which are made from fast cast resin moulded from a toy sci-fi cannon.

These are currently stuck on to a 1mm thick (ABS or Polystyrne Im guessing) old multi shot barrel fro a nerf gun with zap it superglue and activiator spray,.



The problem is be it suprglue or other the bonds are very poor and any slight knock and they break off.

As its difficult to get at the inside of the up pinting gun parts in the old nerf cartidige (ie the cog por sprocket shapped rings) and Im trying to make it look athentic.

Howevert hiese need to be structurally held in place and bolds and nuts looked difficult and coudl spolit the look so I thohght maybe rivits could work, blind pop rivits and I had an old discount store Wilco pop hand rivit gun.

Measureing the parts to be riveted on Id extemiate on average the inner plastic plus moulded parts conw to around 15 mm so looked at 4mm x 20mm rivits (these have steel stems

But could not get them to set properly or cut the stems (I had to cut the first one off along woith the jammed gun with a multp tool

I thought cheap rubbish rivity gun so paind £32.99 for a much more heey duty lookign one from a decent prop tool store the Stanley ST Rivitier 6-MR77

But this also does not work...

For one it takes a lot of strnght to do one rivity and I ened uptrying to use a

a quick grip clamp just to squeeze the handles together

The rivit gun with that just about squzzed the rivits to set on test materials like a piece of mfd (as dont want to reisk the prop till get the hand of it)

But its not poppign or snapping the stems

WHat am I doign wrogn?

Is it the ritvts too long (the stanly tool says it can do up to 4.8mm or 5mm ritis and these were only 4mm but faily long at 20mm

It the tool just naf despite feelign much heaveir duty and a decent brand name from a professioanl store, Am I doign somethgin wrong as when I see these tools n you tub then seem to work easily just fee light sqeezes and the rivits is ste and spped off nice and neat, no massive conan the barbarian strnght neede fto work them

Do I need a different typr or rivit up like long handle lazy tong type

or a cordless electric one that would costs at least 8 times as much?

ALso that prop is pretty fragile and dont want to use a tool that could rip a chuck out of it so needs to be somethign I could use precisely and controlled

I have tried both with loofe cast gun buts (or mor likely those already broken off) as well as those Inthingk still attached, (Do they need to be glued on place at the time?)

SHould I scrap the rivit idea and use somethgin totally different please?

Anyone clued up on rivit guns?


Firstly I would suggest proofreading prior to posting. A typo here and there is perfectly forgivable but the above is a semi-incomprehensible mess. You're not going to get any input from the most knowledgeable chap in the world if they can't be bothered to decipher your post.

As to the actual substance of your question yes 20mm is unusually deep for pop rivets. My first reaction was "Just how much strength is such a long rivet going to have?” Implied in that was an assumption these were aluminium rivets but I can see they're not but stainless instead. Stainless rivets need a lot more force to compress them than aluminium which is what the single handed designs are really intended for. You'd probably be better looking at the two-handed models with the "garden shear" style handles, specified as suitable for stainless rivets, but they are not cheap.

As for alternatives, I don't know. I couldn't extract enough meaning from your post to begin offering suggestions.
Go to halfords or similar and look at bog standard rivets look at lengths and compare to how thick the material are you only need them a little longer and buy aluminium ones. Your existing one handed tool will do the job well. I have no sense of what materials are you trying to join? Thin plastic? If so pop rivets won't work (unless with a washer each side/top and bottom of the materials) maybe short self tapping screws might

About typing and suchlike try typing into word or something do a spellcheck and copy into your next post. Your CV shows you are mature with BA Hons. Sort out your post presentation if you want consistent help
Good luck let us know what works
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