Advertising Standards Authority.

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You may, possibly, be a pendant but you may also be right. :]
My personal pendant for the ASA:


warnings on objects that DO NOT contain nicotine AND may NEVER contain nicotine (for the pure CBD/nicotine free mixes).
Whilst I agree on one hand, it would be a bit nanny state to ban advertising something that causes absolutely no problem for millions of people. Where does that end?
I'm generally against nanny state initiatives Phil - I just think gambling is out of control. An industry that puts shops next to benefit offices so they can run more fixed term odds betting machines that can be accessed by the vulnerable needs much tighter control.
Smart meters a long while ago - they do NOT save electricity

I put in a similar complaint about a power supply company's misleading advert about green power sources. They said if you switch to them, all your power will be from green energy suppliers, which was a complete load of rubbish. For that to happen, they would need a separate distribution network. they should have been truthful about how it really works.
The advertising standards rejected my complaint. Can't remember the reason, but it just let them continue with the advert. Other companies are still making the same claim.
Simple question - should government:
  • regulate the advertising industry, or
  • allow people the personal freedom to do as they choose.
Government regulation of advertising is at best somewhat flawed.

Most people either lack the intellect or judgement making them incapable of balanced judgements and self discipline.

No right answer - so we end up with a very compromised compromise!
I am quite prepared to believe that EMF radiation is not good, having read their claims on programming the magnetic dots, well let’s just say I’m not convinced ha ha
I am not prepared to believe that. There is as I understand it, no evidence of non-ionising radiation causing harm, but also, no-one has demonstrated a biological mechanism by which harm would be caused.
But anyway, energy dots are obviously a con.
Question is do we protect the minority by limiting the majority?

For instance

alcohol? Painkillers? Smoking? Gambling? Speed limits? Film classifications? Etc etc.

Cheers James
I'm generally against nanny state initiatives Phil - I just think gambling is out of control. An industry that puts shops next to benefit offices so they can run more fixed term odds betting machines that can be accessed by the vulnerable needs much tighter control.

The "controls" they offer and are now using as an opportunity to advertise further are a joke - like telling smokers that the packets have the ability to be closed when they don't want to smoke. 100% of people in Surrey agree with this viewpoint.

(1 out of 1 people surveyed agreed)
Be wary of the smart meter installion offer, check out somthing along the lines of “problems with haveing a smart meter installed” and see what pops up, lots of people find they have a smart meter but their gas or electric has been deemed unsafe and disconnected by the meter installer,,,the smart meter installers website boasts about how many thousands of people they have saved from harm by discovering faulty installations,,,Im not against them though I did read a report which found that the initial saving was quickly lost as people reverted back to living normally, but for me I didnt fancy someone taking a look at my 40yrs old boiler and switching the lot off!
I complained about a car ad - think it might have been a new Focus - some years back, as it was described as having a fully galvanised body shell. To my mind that says a dip in a molten zinc bath, seams all full of zinc. Probably last for 50 years or more. What you get, of course, is zinc flashed steel sheet with the few atoms of zinc burned away at every spot weld. I call that deceitful. ASA called it "what an ordinary person would call galvanised". Not much like an ironmonger's galvy bucket, though, is it?
Oh dear, oh dear! just looked at fake dots (bet Trump is in there somwhere). Didn't they use protective crystals at the Glastonbury Council "no 5G mast here" meting last year?

"All our DOTs are low-powered magnets which are programmed with a specific, coherent, naturally-occurring frequency, working similarly to the magnetic strip on a bank card. Magnets are a great storage device for our frequency programming, since they are self-powering and emit their own energy field, so do not need a separate power source. Each DOT holds a different frequency and is working to do something slightly different."
Absolute utter and total crap.
Now, about my Force laden Dartmoor quartz - suitably cut and mounted I might get it to oscillate, but that might generate some RF...
Anyone had dealings with them? I reported the adverts for Smart meters a long while ago - they do NOT save electricity. Their use might help you save electricity, but that's not the claim. I was told they wouldn't reply individually as the they'd had so many identical complaints and theat they'd release a statement when ready. I have heard nothing since ....... I can't help wondering whether they've had instructions from on high not to touch it with a bargepole.

I also reported the Vauxhall advert - a British brand since 1903.

I appreciate it's maybe little more than a bit of pedantry, but to me it grates - it hasn't been a British owned company since 1925.
They didn't bother to reply to that one.

Hi. Yes, in a previous life, before retirement, when I worked in a senior capacity in a national charity, we notified the ASA about a number of inappropriate and/or misleading/untruthful adverts.
Although I don't have the proportions available now, they (ASA) will only consider taking action when the number of complaints exceeds a specific set level.

Good luck.
I put in a similar complaint about a power supply company's misleading advert about green power sources. They said if you switch to them, all your power will be from green energy suppliers, which was a complete load of rubbish. For that to happen, they would need a separate distribution network. they should have been truthful about how it really works.
The advertising standards rejected my complaint. Can't remember the reason, but it just let them continue with the advert. Other companies are still making the same claim.
I have the misfortune of my energy supplier going bust and I am being transferred to EDF. Here is an excerpt from their latest email which might help explain what green energy is:

UK fuel mix disclosure information, published by the Government (BEIS), recognises electricity from wind, solar and nuclear fuel produces zero carbon dioxide emissions at the point of generation. The zero carbon electricity purchased is supplied into the National Grid. Customers receive electricity via the National Grid, not directly from zero-carbon generators. More details about how EDF are Britain’s biggest generator of zero carbon electricity can be found here.

All our residential tariffs are backed by 100% zero carbon nuclear electricity, with the exception of our EV tariff which is backed with 100% zero carbon renewable electricity. Electricity for our GoElectric tariff comes from renewable sources like wind, solar, biomass, tidal and hydroelectric. At the end of each fuel mix reporting year we’ll make sure we’ve purchased enough renewable electricity from EDF owned, renewable generation to match the total volume of electricity supplied to all of our customers on the GoElectric tariff. A fuel mix reporting year begins on 1 April and ends on 31 March the following year. UK Fuel Mix disclosure information, published by the Government (BEIS), recognises electricity from wind, solar and nuclear fuel produces zero carbon dioxide emissions at the point of generation. See our product table for more information.
no evidence of non-ionising radiation causing harm, but also, no-one has demonstrated a biological mechanism by which harm would be caused.
With respect, I'm not so sure? What about a microwave oven? That is a source of non ionising radiation and it can cook meat.
I have the misfortune of my energy supplier going bust and I am being transferred to EDF. Here is an excerpt from their latest email which might help explain what green energy is:
Thanks, That is what should have been in the small print of the advert which I complained about, but what they claimed was if you get your energy from them all of your energy will be from green sources. I'm all in favour of green energy. I dislike companies that tell 'lies' to get customers.