A year in the life of..


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Mike, you slipped up big time showing your wife. :eek: Mine never knows where I am working or what I am doing. :D

Despite the really crap rain this weekend, I managed to get a bit more brick done up to sole plate height. The problem is now that I have done it, I'm wondering whether just to continue up with bricks. With three windows to go in, there isn't really that much brickwork, and it may make a nice contrast with the garage.



I also managed to get the skeleton frame finished at work today. I've spent way to much time talking the client, and not enough time working!!


Oh to have the scope, both in imagination and in places to build it!
Lovely work.
John :)

Someone once told me there's a special list of contractors that the super rich use... I am beginning to believe you're on it Eddie! :mrgreen:

I enjoyed looking through this post and now I have trouble with the other half and her new requirements. Forunately I only have a small plot.
I'm impressed. It's been years since I did any oak framing and then I never liked liting the stuff on my own! how long does it take you to frame and roof a double garge type structure?
Just the internal partition to ply line and clad, and then for my part, this one is just about finished.



Kalvt22, I have slowed up a fair bit over the last two or three years, but a bog stock 2 bay frame with rear catslide as below, takes me approx 5 days to make, two days to erect and one day to fit the weather boarding. My problem is that I aim to be milimetre perfect with my joints, and this does sometimes create hassle on site and slow things up a bit if the wood is wet or has just naturally twisted.

For your water tank problem you could do what a friend of mine has done at his allotment .
He has water tanks that look identical to yours. He fitted a lightweight V-shaped frame on top of the tanks
with cheap clear corrugated roofing leading at the bottom into a gutter which then emptied into the tanks.
Is that understandable? :?

John. B
Thanks John.B That's a nice simple idea. I rather like that. :)

Apart the gutters and garage door, the frame is now finished.


mn pete":18byyve2 said:
Stunning work all around! This was a fun post to look through.

Thanks. :)

I've just started to make a new advertising board for myself from 50mm air dried oak slab wood.

Ignore the horizontal board, this was just to give me some thoughts about the actual sign design.

Possibly the last frame that I am ever going to make. I've had enough.

A simple 4m x 4m shed with rear aisles. Just the window and door to make.





EddieJ, I was self employed for 33 years and when tired etc. I took a holiday, does not have to be exotic or long distance.

You are a skilled craftsman but we all need to take a break, employ someone for a period through this spell perhaps?
Thanks for the replies and kind advice. :)

I'm still set on packing it in, but may have something just as interesting lined up in which I can still remain self employed and still play with wood every day. :) I just won't have all of the endless crap of waste of time enquiries and the pointless cut throat pricing of jobs that you aren't ever going to get any way.

Anyway on a more positive note...

I got my backside into gear this morning and started to build the frame for my outside loo.
To keep cost down, I opted to use 100mm x 75mm larch for the main frame. I don't tend to use larch much, which is a shame as it is a very underrated wood. The only downside of it is that it quickly clogs and polishes the belt on the belt sander. The window frames were also cheap as chips. :)



That was most the morning taken care of, and I even found time to put the sign up that I made up to advertise my hobby. :)

The latest Sunday morning project is going quite nicely and I reckon that another two or three Sunday mornings should see it finished.



I also had time today to do a bit more to the outside loo.


The outside loo is getting there slowly, despite the poxy wet horrid weather.



I also found time to yesterday to knock up a quick 'feature' bird bath/bird table using some oak off cuts.



Edit.. Added 08/12/11



Start again!


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