A forum all about shaving?


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Ironballs":rm71buc1 said:
I also hate shaving and like Tom would consider the electrolysis. Don't have any rashes or other problems, just resent the fact that hair grows through my face and has to be removed regulalry
Some why does it have to be removed? I have had a beard, like Pete since I was 21. Used to be quite long, was asked if I was growing it to join ZZ Top a couple of times and a small girl while holding her grands hand asked if I was Father Christmas. 8)
The LOML and all of the kids have never seen me without a beard, it is the normal state for my face. :D

Just let it grow, its supposed to be there. :whistle: :norm: :whistle:
DaveL":26cdhzti said:
Ironballs":26cdhzti said:
I also hate shaving and like Tom would consider the electrolysis. Don't have any rashes or other problems, just resent the fact that hair grows through my face and has to be removed regulalry
Some why does it have to be removed? I have had a beard, like Pete since I was 21. Used to be quite long, was asked if I was growing it to join ZZ Top a couple of times and a small girl while holding her grands hand asked if I was Father Christmas. 8)
The LOML and all of the kids have never seen me without a beard, it is the normal state for my face. :D

Just let it grow, its supposed to be there. :whistle: :norm: :whistle:

I agree but swimbo doesnt like beard burn on her face or anywhere else and its therefore in my interests to be relatively beard free if you get my drift...
Noel":3abge59r said:
wizer":3abge59r said:
Yeeees, I won't be visiting that forum. As much as I like being clean shaven, I HATE shaving. No matter what I do it gives me a rash 90% of the time. I've even tried this wet shave technique. Twas just the same. The only thing that stops me coming out in a rash is to shave once a week when I have a fair amount of growth. Any more or less and it's red face time :roll: If I won the lottery I have my beard removed via laser technology. :lol:

Me too Tom, for about 20 yrs nothing but rashes, redness and razor burn. Then I discovered King of Shaves gel - just the ordinary blue Alpha gel here - http://www.shave.com/shave/?tab=gels
This and cheap Tesco sensitive razors and have had no problems since.

+1 for King of Shaves Gel, it's the mutts!!

I really don't understand why Gillette and most other shaving gel type people produce gels that foam up on contact, it only needs to lubricate you skin, not 1/2" off your face. The foam also makes a mess in the bath/shower.

As an aside, I ALWAYS shave in the shower, if I shave over the sink I always cut myself, but never in the shower.


I suppose shaving in the shower softens the beard?

I use a traditional Silver Tip Badger brush and shaving soap from Edwin Jagger or Body Shop - "With the circular lathering motion the fine tips of badger hair lift and soften the beard to create a smooth, creamy shaving lather, cleanse and massage the face gently resulting in a comfortable shave. "


Paul Chapman":wx6n6bjw said:
Why is it that if my son doesn't shave, it looks like 'designer stubble' but if I don't shave, I look like a derelict :? :?

Cheers :wink:

That's 'cos he's (hopefully, by now :p ) got some decent shades to go with it :lol:

...and the secret of a decent shave is to soften the bristles with really hot water, anything else you put on afterwads justs acts a lube. I used a Palmolive stick (about 80p from Tescos) and a cheap Wilkinson sword brush and razor - Rob
Now I see why there is a whole forum about it, apparently we love to talk about shaving!!
I should have added that we have a water softener (and have had for about 20 years now) which does make a considerable difference to the quality of the shave - Rob