A forum all about shaving?


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Established Member
23 Apr 2008
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A Wood Haven
I googled Norton Flattening stone today to see what one was, and one of the results was Badger and Blade which I thought sounded interesting.

Anyway its a massive forum of 25 thousand members (we have 6 thousand) and they talk all about DE shaving, which seems to be saving with classical style razors and bits.

Now is this something common, how come I've never heard of this it must be huge to have all these people following it and talking about shaving and saying how cool their faces stayed after only a two pass DE shave? They post pictures of there shaving setups which I guess is like us and workshop tours. Fascinating place!

Yeeees, I won't be visiting that forum. As much as I like being clean shaven, I HATE shaving. No matter what I do it gives me a rash 90% of the time. I've even tried this wet shave technique. Twas just the same. The only thing that stops me coming out in a rash is to shave once a week when I have a fair amount of growth. Any more or less and it's red face time :roll: If I won the lottery I have my beard removed via laser technology. :lol:
I use a silver tip Badger shaving brush - I suppose that's where they get their name from?

There was a Victorian boxed set of razors on the Antiques Road Show a while back with a marked razor for each day except Sunday. Which implied that the Victorians went to church unshaven?

Well I have always used an open razor for the best wet shave possible. My grandfather taught me when I was 12.5 how to use the razor and how not to cut myself to bits.

If you guys think that some of the "sharpening" discussions get a bit heated here then over in the wet shave forums they can become as intense as WW3 with nuclear weapons.

One chap even built a laser sharpener using some industrial lasers able to be controlled down to 0.1 micron or maybe less. Even we stop usually before that level of obsession.

I also hate shaving and like Tom would consider the electrolysis. Don't have any rashes or other problems, just resent the fact that hair grows through my face and has to be removed regulalry
Ironballs":3gahlkjs said:
I also hate shaving and like Tom would consider the electrolysis. Don't have any rashes or other problems, just resent the fact that hair grows through my face and has to be removed regulalry

since about 40 it grows through my nose and ears too :(
Hi, Chaps

Lions don't shave their manes off! its a sign of sexual maturity! you aren't boys so stop trying to look like one :wink:

Beard since the age of 21!

Pete Maddex":2sz6xkr8 said:
Beard since the age of 21!


Had one for a few years, until recently getting rid.
Grew it because of the awful shaving rash and because I was fed up having to shave all the time (I get a Midday Shadow, never mind a Five o'clock one).
Then I got fed up of having a face like a Badgers ar$e dragged backwards through a fence if I didn't spend ages constantly trimming the damn beard. So off it came.
Can't win really.
lurker":3hk1xpcx said:
What I resent most of all is that hair grows in profusion everywhere, but on my head.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
lurker":1izchal5 said:
What I resent most of all is that hair grows in profusion everywhere, but on my head.

Me too. Bald as a coot(sp?) up top, Downstairs Carpet 18" long. :shock:
Gets a bit sweaty come Summer.

Apologies to those who are doing Breakfast.
I had a pretty good beard back in 6th form. Now I get a rash if I don't shave fairly constantly. The rash is better if I shave each day, skin must get used to the abuse, but it's not often I can be bothered to :) My beard takes out electric razors and trimmers blades easily so that gets expensive. I am on the Gilette Power ones which are great but the blades still only last a couple of rounds with my beard :(

Me and a mate were going to go the straight edge route back in our 20's but couldn't be arsed with all the paraphanalia that went with it. I still like the idea though. we even went to a fancy shop in London that just caters for shaving.
Why is it that if my son doesn't shave, it looks like 'designer stubble' but if I don't shave, I look like a derelict :? :?

Cheers :wink:

wizer":12m1fnsn said:
Yeeees, I won't be visiting that forum. As much as I like being clean shaven, I HATE shaving. No matter what I do it gives me a rash 90% of the time. I've even tried this wet shave technique. Twas just the same. The only thing that stops me coming out in a rash is to shave once a week when I have a fair amount of growth. Any more or less and it's red face time :roll: If I won the lottery I have my beard removed via laser technology. :lol:

Me too Tom, for about 20 yrs nothing but rashes, redness and razor burn. Then I discovered King of Shaves gel - just the ordinary blue Alpha gel here - http://www.shave.com/shave/?tab=gels
This and cheap Tesco sensitive razors and have had no problems since.
cambournepete":15wvlxdd said:
When I last looked for an electric shaver I found a forum for that as well...

I think there's probably a forum fo just about anything out there in Webland!


You know that thread about torches?

Here's a complete forum on ... torches.

