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Established Member
20 May 2007
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Sunny Scotland
Why do people insist on driving so slow? I caught up with a Jaguar the other day which did 30mph for about 10 miles with a queue of about 25 cars behind it. Bearing in mind I was doing 60 when I caught up with it I couldn't see any good reason for doddling, it wasn't icy or anything... It was also one of the 'brake-at-every-single-corner-or-hill' gits

Drive to work is already 50+ miles, takes under an hour if you drive like a normal person but can take anywhwere up to 1hr 20 behind the divvy old twonks. So unfair :cry:

I'm not a bad driver, I don't tailgate slow folk or anything, just seems to me if the one eejit holding everone up would just pull over every 300 miles, driving would be much more enjoyable...

Is that just me?
Maybe his car was in LHM (Limp home mode) - this restricts the engine to about 30mph if there is a problem.

I always give the benefit of the doubt as I am not in the other drivers seat and do not know all the facts.

Not that long ago I could see a dog running towards the road - I slowed down in time for it to do a u turn just in front of me and run back into the house. White van man behind me had no idea what I was doing and gave me a whole heap of abuse!

admittedly I sympathize if a car is in LHM it would be nice if the driver pulled over once in a while to let you pass! But alas most drivers only think for their own point of view nowadsays! :wink:

No, not just you, me too! :)

Accepting Dave's point about LHM, the trouble is that people seem to think that driving is a right, instead of a licensed skill. The vast majority of current licenses were issued against a test, which is then never repeated unless multiple offending takes place, against the terms of the licence.

The vast increase in the numbers of drivers have lead to fixed penalties (i.e., fines instead of a Court appearance) and careless driving now seems not to be 'in the public interest' to prosecute in our ever-more-snowed-under system of "justice."

Perhaps, therefore, people see no reason to keep their skill levels up, on the basis that there is little - if any - deterrent if they fail to do so?

LHM of course does not prevent them from pulling off the road and letting the rest go past, it seems to be simple selfishness.

Daven":izwwcall said:
Maybe his car was in LHM (Limp home mode) - this restricts the engine to about 30mph if there is a problem.
When the ford C max I had went into LHM I could not get the thing over 20mph, getting home was not an option, the next safe place to pull over was more than far enough to travel with the queue building behind me and that was at 06:45 in the sticks.
What was the speed limit for the road? Or perhaps, more to the point, how fast would you have liked him/her to be driving? I guess, given the recent conditions, some drivers are just being cautious? After all, some ice can only be felt and then it's often too late.

Whilst I share your frustration I prefer cautious drivers to those with an over-blown sense of their own driving ability. Self-professed "good drivers" are usually, in my experience, just a menace and danger. I loathe the inevitable conversation amongst male drivers who have just driven the same route to a destination about "how long did it take you". Establishing the shortest time (usually by way of a lie) is like demonstrating some sort of driving prowess, often followed by a casual mention of driving fast. W*nkers.
(Assumes fake French accent) "Ah speet on your Leemp Home Mode"

Try rural France, with a 20kph tractor or a 30kph sans-permis in front of you! On a major 2-lane road, or through a town.

Almost hit a sans-permis* doing 30kph on a derestricted road (110kph limit) last year. Two fat sl**s inside were lighting **** and wandering all over the road. Cars were going in all directions to avoid them. They didn't notice, of course.

*Small, nasty underpowered cars which can be driven by people without driving licences, usually because they are too old, too stupid or too drunk to keep one.
Is that just me?

'fraid so. Roads are for everyone's use - equally. That's why they are called public roads. You don't like it - just overtake in a safe manner, and quit whinging!
DaveL":3dqoccj8 said:
When the ford C max I had went into LHM I could not get the thing over 20mph, getting home was not an option, the next safe place to pull over was more than far enough to travel with the queue building behind me and that was at 06:45 in the sticks.

My Ford Scorpio (frog eye) is limited to 35mph - not that I have had this situation!

As for 'is it just me' unfortunately it's not, IMO all drivers have moments of stupidity, its human nature and why we have insurance. unfortunately there are people out there who have more than their fair share of 'moments'. :)

I drive with the view that I am no better or no worse than the driver in front - I can't see or feel what he/she is experiencing therefore proceed with caution.

One time when I did react I nearly had a head on with a car who was also reacting - both scowling at the 'idiot' our attention was off the game and it could have so ended up as game over!

Just chill out - driving can be a oneway ticket.

matt":3v58u9du said:
What was the speed limit for the road? Or perhaps, more to the point, how fast would you have liked him/her to be driving? I guess, given the recent conditions, some drivers are just being cautious? After all, some ice can only be felt and then it's often too late.

Whilst I share your frustration I prefer cautious drivers to those with an over-blown sense of their own driving ability. Self-professed "good drivers" are usually, in my experience, just a menace and danger. I loathe the inevitable conversation amongst male drivers who have just driven the same route to a destination about "how long did it take you". Establishing the shortest time (usually by way of a lie) is like demonstrating some sort of driving prowess, often followed by a casual mention of driving fast. W*nkers.

Good post :wink:

Driving to work at 7am in the snow and ice last week i had a bus overtake me and also a lorry. Was going about 35 on a 60 road. I thought i was going fast enough.

When there isn't snow and ice and i'm driving to work at 7am going 60 on a 60 road, there are still tw*ts overtaking at 70-90.

Most drivers are wan*kers! :evil:
seanybaby":278l2qit said:
matt":278l2qit said:
What was the speed limit for the road? Or perhaps, more to the point, how fast would you have liked him/her to be driving? I guess, given the recent conditions, some drivers are just being cautious? After all, some ice can only be felt and then it's often too late.

Whilst I share your frustration I prefer cautious drivers to those with an over-blown sense of their own driving ability. Self-professed "good drivers" are usually, in my experience, just a menace and danger. I loathe the inevitable conversation amongst male drivers who have just driven the same route to a destination about "how long did it take you". Establishing the shortest time (usually by way of a lie) is like demonstrating some sort of driving prowess, often followed by a casual mention of driving fast. W*nkers.

Good post :wink:

Driving to work at 7am in the snow and ice last week i had a bus overtake me and also a lorry. Was going about 35 on a 60 road. I thought i was going fast enough.

When there isn't snow and ice and i'm driving to work at 7am going 60 on a 60 road, there are still tw*ts overtaking at 70-90.

Most drivers are wan*kers! :evil:

I'll agree with that!

Back in August, I was heading up the M5 (less than 70mph) when it started raining really hard - so hard, you could only just see the tail lights of the car in front. He braked suddenly (down to no more than 50mph) and I braked but, the a**hole in the van behind didn't like it - flashing his lights and all! :x A few seconds later he over took and kept accelerating - I can't imagine his view of the road ahead was any clearer than anyone else's!!

It is truly frightening when you get in to a situation like that (excluding the Van-Man!!), where you literally cannot see ahead. You just want to pull over and stop but, you can't. :?

By the way, I think I'm fairly competent at driving [well, I should be, after five practical tests... :oops:] but I do have my moments where I make stupid decisions... - as we all do. I wouldn't knowingly do anything that I would consider dangerous to another road user. :)

There was another bloke in a Mondeo, almost a year ago, who didn't like the fact that I was doing 30mph in a 30mph zone... I was head of the cue and, from four-cars behind, this idiot cut right infront of me and slammed his brakes on while giving me the hand-signal (before accelerating off)! I almost wish I had gone in to the back of him - there was a long trail of witnesses behind!! :x
ike":17n6rvst said:
Is that just me?

'fraid so. Roads are for everyone's use - equally. That's why they are called public roads. You don't like it - just overtake in a safe manner, and quit whinging!

The point is there isn't anywhere to overtake on the whole stretch at that time of day. They should've had some decency and let the enormous queue behind get on with it instead of doing half the speed limit.

Every single day I get stuck behind a member of the 40mph club as well, I can't understand it.
Calpol":361qohyc said:
ike":361qohyc said:
Is that just me?

'fraid so. Roads are for everyone's use - equally. That's why they are called public roads. You don't like it - just overtake in a safe manner, and quit whinging!

The point is there isn't anywhere to overtake on the whole stretch at that time of day. They should've had some decency and let the enormous queue behind get on with it instead of doing half the speed limit.

Every single day I get stuck behind a member of the 40mph club as well, I can't understand it.

You're right. Slow drivers especially on a road with limited overtaking places is a recipe for disaster. Impatience creeps in, risks get taken, accidents happen so who is to blame? I would argue that both the slow driver and the impatient driver are to blame. I was stuck behind someone in town doing 15mph. The roads were free of snow and ice and yet they drove as if they were on a glacier. So I whacked it into second, floored the pedal, overtook on the pavement and carried on. OK - I made that last bit up.
matt":2ak6sb6o said:
I loathe the inevitable conversation amongst male drivers who have just driven the same route to a destination about "how long did it take you". Establishing the shortest time (usually by way of a lie) is like demonstrating some sort of driving prowess, often .

"yeah well i've just driven from lands end to john o groats in 30 minuites - didnt get below mach 3 anywhere , had a little 4 wheel drift on some of the corners but hey i'm such a good driver that was like no problemo.,.. whos for another beer then...... Penis size ? well I think microscopic may be a little harsh..." :D :lol:
Smudger":1x32ghq2 said:
*Small, nasty underpowered cars .

doesn't Wizer driver one of them ?

I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement,

New knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes

I'm half blind,

Can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine,

Take 40 different medications that

Make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts.

Have bouts with dementia ..

Have poor circulation;

Hardly feel my hands and feet anymore.

Can't remember if I'm 89 or 98.

Have lost all my friends, and my hair. But, thank God,

I still have my driver's license.
What really annoys me is lorries trying to overtake each other on 2 lane roads, generally uphill, with no speed difference?
A long queue of frustrated drivers built up in no time at all!
A few years ago travelling down the M20 this happened for about 10 miles.
If the lorry being overtaken is doing the legal 60mph, why bother to overtake especially at 60.005mph?

RogerS":p7lp8ztg said:
So I whacked it into second, floored the pedal, overtook on the pavement and carried on. OK - I made that last bit up.

...So, you overtook on the pavement and stopped?... :roll:

:D :wink: