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  1. O

    Modification to workshop floor

    For some reason he wasnt with us long.... dont know why :-k
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    Modification to workshop floor

    i put a cut all the way through my bosses brand new workmate once with a small trim saw. was literally 5 minits after he picked it up from the shop. Of course i did the only right thing and told him the apprentice did it.
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    Bandsaw woes?

    looks like your trying to feed it into the blade a bit too quickly and the blade is trying to catch up on itself... if you know what i mean. try a bit less pressure while your feeding
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    Breakfront Bookcase with curved astral glazed doors WIP

    Should be a intersting build. I wish you all the best with the glazing bars, i have recently built these for a unit. Each opening is a seperate piece of glass and all the joints were cut by hand as they were too delicate for a machine. Took...
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    problems with setting planner blades

    i wouldnt have thought drilling holes in your block would be a good idea as if you dont get the depth of them all exacly the same, you will have problems with balance and the risk of the block vibrating to bits.
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    Driving gripes....?

    i agree with all those, but one thats fresh on my mind after this morning..... people who indicate left to pull up and then turn right ](*,) very very close shave...
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    hinge fitting advice required to save the day.

    are those prices each or box of 10!!!!
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    Non-yellowing finish for ash?

    Ive found cellulose sealer to be good on light timbers. hardly coulours it at all. I used it on a maple and bleached birds eye maple table. the timber stayed almost white and hasnt yellowed a bit. Better use it in a well ventilated area tho
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    Problems with wax

    Coloured wax is a right pita for getting an even finish. You can buy wax thinners from Fiddies but failing that you may have to try sanding it.
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    bandsaw woes

    Have you got the tracking knob maxed out in the oppositre direction for when the blade comes off the front? Sometimes the tracking knob has a locking nut on it as a referance and may need moving to allow the top wheel to track further back than it is now.
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    OK so I'm stoopid

    I use true cut, always top quality and reasonabley priced
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    Using a RAS safely

    PUWER regs state that a RAS should have a mechanism to return the blade back to the park position. Back cutting with this mechanism would be extremely dangerous as the cutter will be pullng itself into the timber. I have never used a RAS in this way and would consider it extremely dangerous not...
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    Auto feed for the spindle moulder

    no the cowling over the cutter block is the guard. the power feed only becomes the front guard when it is put in place. and you dont have to be stupid, you just have to loose concentration for a slit second.
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    Auto feed for the spindle moulder

    I take it you removed the guard for illustration purposes?
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    marking joints for assembly

    why not just number them with a pencil? saves a lot of hassle. and i would use sandpaper with a hard block around the joints to make sure you dont round any of the timber over and make a gap in the joint. Cabinet scraper will have the same effect as when you bend it to get a cut it makes a...
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    Beech block worktop bow problem

    Beech is one of the worst timbers for movement. try spraying a small amount of water on the concave side with one of those garden centre spray bottle things, should return it somewhere near.
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    Is it Mahogany?

    could be, its got that rich orange colour. the other possibility is sapele
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    Westonbirt-more piccys.

    Thanks for the pics, there was obviously some beautiful pieces on show. I didnt realise the show was so big. Will definatley be on the calender for next yer
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    Westonbirt-more piccys.

    i love those clocks, they are beautiful! have got pics of the other ones paul?
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    stanley doors

    Most sliding doors hang on the top and the bottom is just a guide. I have no experience of Stanly sliding doors though so cant really help. Heres a vid i pulled off the net