hinge fitting advice required to save the day.


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26 Nov 2006
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Sheringham, North Norfolk
Hello all,

I have some of these Brusso stop hinges (JB102) for my shoe polish box.

http://www.classichandtools.com/acatalo ... inges.html

and I am confused as to how to fit them. :?

I neatly cut out a mortice in the box and lid but have just realised that it doesn't work as the barrel can't revolve.

Is it appropriate to cut a chamfer under the hinge mortice to create the room the hinge needs to turn?

I can't imagine that the hinge is fitted to protrude from the edge of the box as it is so neatly square and looks designed to fit flush.

Hope someone can help and then I can finish my first project!

Thanks, Esc.
Thanks for the replies fellas,

I agree Jason - the instructions seem to be for the template! I think I will take up your idea Keith, I don't need to take off much to get it to work.

Back to the shed for me!

Happy days.

Cheers, Esc.
I know the price is shocking :shock: :shock: :shock:

They are well made, and look good but it is hard to justify the expense.

The way I see it they are so good, and catch the eye, they might just detract from the rest of my box, which is probably a good thing.
