Driving gripes....?


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Established Member
24 May 2007
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After many years of driving and doing thousands of miles yearly, I've developed a top 10 of driving gripes. For the purpose of this exercise, I shall only post my top 3 and would be interested if any forumers concur/disagree/or think I'm mad! :roll:

3. Tractors and their drivers that decide to set off in convoy at 08.43 hrs.

2. Discourteous drivers when allowing them out of junctions etc

1. Drivers who do not use lights during inclement weather (mind you that's 53 weeks a year in Cumbria! :wink: ) NB - Some do use their sidelights which are as much use as a chocolate fireguard - I'm convinced they're either;

A) Thinking they're saving money by not going to main beam, or
B) Too lazy to move the switch up 1 notch!

I've deliberately not included dangerous driving such as speeding, tailgating etc, as I suspect this is a norm for my fellow sensible forum users.

i agree with all those, but one thats fresh on my mind after this morning..... people who indicate left to pull up and then turn right ](*,) very very close shave...
Not indicating on and when leaving roundabouts, not thanking you when you pull over to let them through on country roads(School runners :evil: :evil: )
My number one is other motorists who will not stop to let you pull out even though the lights are red and they have got to stop for them 10 or 20 feet further on. :evil: :evil: Or the same as above but they have got to stop at a roundabout :evil: :evil: :evil:

(2) The idiots who stick in the outside lane on a motorway doing 50 or 60 mph, or even less. (IMHO going to slow on any road is just as bad as speeding)

(3) Drivers who ride in my boot.

(4) As Mark says discourteous drivers.

(5) Drivers who use main beams on a roads with no street lights and do not turn them down when a car is approaching from the other direction.


As a sufferer of occular migraine and having seemingly sensitive eyes my biggest gripe is the inconsiderate W****** who insist on driving in normal conditions with their front fog lamps on or in light drizzle with the rear fog lights on or both. You can add to this general ignorance / bad manners and the atrocious driving standards that prevail in this country.

Drivers who continue to use hand-held mobile phones when driving.

Drivers who don't look in their mirrors or look over their shoulder before pulling out to overtake.

Cheers :wink:

=D> =D> =D> =D> to all so far - I'll have to revise my list :cry: but where do you stop, cosidering what Richard said?
women who drive a massive 4x4 with one tiny child rattling around in the rear boot blocking up the whole road because she's too lazy to walk her fat rear-end 500 yards to the school!!!!

actually, i'll revise that:

All women drivers and All 4x4 drivers ;-)
Holiday makers who drive everywhere at 30 mph with a cue of traffic behind them. Most noticeable in these part from May to October, then everything is OK until easter. I bet they don't drive so slow where they live. :evil:
One of my favourite gripes is drivers who drive to the end of the slip road when joining a motorway and then come to a stop instead of adjusting their speed to that on the main road and then filtering - really dangerous.

Caravans - with underpowered cars or indeed with powerful enough cars.

People who think beeping their horn as they go round a blind country lane corner gives them invincibility and right of way.

Drivers who think indicators are give way signs.

The drivers who think the verge outside our house is a passing place. One day I will plant spikes or dig a pitfall trap......


Ok I just have to add another here. Drivers who stop on the opposite side of the road at night to drop someone off and leave their headlights on blinding the driver coming the other way (me) :evil: Cyclists who think that they glow in the dark so use no lights! (more like a death wish) :twisted:
Or the van driver who stopped in the middle of a busy road, got out, put his index finger in the air, to indicate he was going to make a quick drop off- pick up, ran across the pavement to Macdonalds and came out with a hamburger.
Do you wonder there's road rage. :evil:

people who sit in the middle or outside lane of the motor way when the inside lane is clear
All of the above :evil:

But as an ex-HGV driver,particularly the (lack of) use of indicators - few things more infuriating than bring 40+ tonnes to a halt at a roundabout,then see the car you stopped for turn off at the exit just before you...

woody67":2h3hozi9 said:
3. Tractors and their drivers that decide to set off in convoy at 08.43 hrs.

I think this one might have been tongue in cheek, Mark, as I don't really agree with you on this one. It's that time of year. The A4103 has a regular stream of laden tractors and I'm quite happy to sit and potter behind them as I know that they'll pull in at the earliest opportunity.

Besides, I like my spuds and if they weren't harvesting them then what would I do? :lol:

Mind you, it's the impatient sods who get up my nose. The ones who risk everyone elses life and limb as they frantically overtake in high risk situations. Damn glad I now drive 'Rufty-Tufty' as they'll bounce off me :twisted:
After all of the bad things that get up our nose's, Andrews post reminded of one good thing, and that is HGV drivers who in my case anyway always seem to stop their 40 ton monsters to let me out of a side turning.


People who seem to think Hazard warning lights are a license to park anywhere they feel like..
SAS brigade (School and Shopping), you know the kind....Dirty great 4x4 to do shopping at a local store (and I mean easily within walking distance,) or a 50 yd trip to school for one kiddie, then cant park the bloody thing anywhere near the pavement blocking everything..

The F**king Idiots that is willing to risk life and limb to overtake me, just to turn left/right twenty yards further down the road.

Shall I go on.....?

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