Established Member
I've got this old Ferm bansaw that refused to cut straight or curves, just did it's own thing at some obscure angle. I looked up references here and on the Internet and they all said the same thing....."Put a new blade in."
Being me I decided that nothing was that simple and what I really needed was to save up for a new bandsaw. Yesterday at Yandles I saw some blades 15% off and thought I might as naff Ferm bandsaw now cuts straight and round bends properly. Not the best bansaw in the world but does what I want.
One day I'll listen first time
Being me I decided that nothing was that simple and what I really needed was to save up for a new bandsaw. Yesterday at Yandles I saw some blades 15% off and thought I might as naff Ferm bandsaw now cuts straight and round bends properly. Not the best bansaw in the world but does what I want.
One day I'll listen first time