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  1. Jenx

    Year 11 Pens FINISHED!

    Well Done Stewart, both on the execution of the project, and on the gesture itself. Brilliant. 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Jenx

    how to box thread experiment/poll with 450pix pictures

    Leaving aside the 'does it take up space' question, because I know diddley-squat about computers, the pics are fantastic to follow like this George.. And BTW, thats a gorgeous box. 8) :lol: :lol: Superb instructional walk-through as usual ! (& nice to see the return of the Cornyblog +...
  3. Jenx

    1st commission

    :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) Well done Pete and Andrew ! £££££ :lol: :lol: :lol: "This time next year, Rodney..." :lol:
  4. Jenx

    Alba tour part 1

    No Problem Graham ... next time up, Me & Dick are arranging to kidnap you ! :wink: :lol: Have a great holiday... and as ever, no piccys and it never happened ! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Jenx

    Have you heard the word?

    THE best thing on the telly .... fantastic ! " I did not like the Godfather, Lois" "It Insists upon itself" Seth MacFarlane is a master. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Jenx

    Slippery customer...

    Here's a wee extract of a very large 'Rettie' scoffing up a deer. This snake will be 20 foot plus, in the film. Herpetology is fascinating.. fantastic creatures, snakes ... not slimy or anything like that.. They're exothermic, so actually quite 'like' being on you, for the heat. I used to...
  7. Jenx

    Slippery customer...

    :lol: :lol: And ... Why are there no asprins found in the jungle ? Because the parrots-eat-em-all groan :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Jenx

    Relocating to Scarborough.

    Come on Over to the round side Phil ... we took Wizer hostage, and the cuffs & ropes are off now and he's stayed ! :lol: 8) We have cookies :wink: Good luck with the move and hope you get nice and settled quickly.. All the best, Alun 8) 8) :D
  9. Jenx

    April's pens...

    Beauties, one and all, Stewart ..... I like the 'shape' of the oak one best ... but that is down to 'shape' rather than it being wooden, honest ! All of them are fantastic, and the photo's are just right out of the top drawer... so easy to see the pens at their best ! Magic... wonderful...
  10. Jenx

    YouTube Videos

    Those 'around the woods' ones are good Tom, ... I watch them from time to time. 8) 8)
  11. Jenx

    Who needs electricity?

    I'm with you Richard.... The lathe can keep suckin' up those watts as long as it likes ! That 'pole nonsense' looks far too much like hard work :wink: :wink: :wink: ( impressive though, isn't it. ! 8) 8) )
  12. Jenx

    Alba tour part 1

    If you escape having to endure my coffee this time, I'll catch you next time ! 8) 8) And Invite Dick too of course,.... he lives 15 minutes from me and we've still never met ! ( My fault.. I must rectify this, Dick :wink: 8) :lol: :lol: )
  13. Jenx

    Turning Time in 2009

    PILL PLATTERS ! Now THERES a nice idea.. !! Currently on 4 different ones a day, and never remember to take them at the right times ! that could be the very solution !! 8) 8) 8)
  14. Jenx

    nut and bolt in boxwood

    ... and make it a 'shifter' :wink: 8)
  15. Jenx

    Can you Identify these Tools?

    Q. can you identify these tools ? A. Nope. do I win £10 ? :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Jenx

    Wish me luck..

    As dermot says "Gaun Yirsel, Chiel'" :lol: :lol: :lol: Have a great day Steve.... Piccys ! without piccys it never happened ! 8) 8) 8)
  17. Jenx

    Wood identification

    I'd have put me money on BIRD CHERRY. I've got one in my garden and it looks identical. :wink: 8)
  18. Jenx

    Another from my collection

    Yes, like your flowers on the other thread... this one ticks all the boxes too! How 'big' can you go with a cube turning like this ? Its a very pleasing shape. I like it a lot. Like others, the base is erm.. how do you say this... its not 'wrong', but its not quite 'there' with the...
  19. Jenx

    First picture ( I hope)

    Love 'em, Dalboy .... refreshingly different ! Great work ! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  20. Jenx


    Unlucky on the drivebelt front, H&B .... let us pray for a speedy recovery ! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: