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  1. I

    Jet Wetstone Grinder

    I know of a moulding company that's pulled all their manufacturing from China back to the UK. It's now cheaper here! I recently ordered some injection mould tooling from a firm in Hereford. They were cheaper on tooling (in-house) and piecepart price than 3 Chinese companies. The b*****s are...
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    is going through a red light an offence?

    OK then. Everyone else says "he's right lets jump the red light!". A year later, analysis of road accident national statistics would show an increase in injuries on pedestrian crossings. Where's the extra risk? Dent in your bonnet, bit of blood maybe, or a busted windscreen? Because it was...
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    is going through a red light an offence?

    The problem is you are all thinking as a motorist. I've done it, I see others do it - as a pedestrian that is, someone ahead of you has crossed 'at the green man' - quick! lets get across too before it changes back! .. Possible result - BANG!, cos some t**t driver didn't want to wait. The...
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    Dovetail Jig?

    I may be wrong but I think the D4R can do sliding dovetails/cross housing whereas the Superjig can't? Ike
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    Axminster Forstner Bits

    Another vote for them. They cut cleanly - no problems at all, excellent VFM. Ike
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    ISPs want some of our license fee? how is that fair

    When the interweb slows to a crawl, I just hit the switch and go and do something more constructive.! Although I admit I have never downloaded a video or an MP3 yet (not familiar with the iplayer thing - I watch the telly instead). Nope, just normal surfing, so I rarely get frustrated. KISS
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    oi !!! nosey !!!

    I thought my shop was a mess LOL! BTW, what stove have you got there? - looks a handy little job. I wouldn't mind something like it. Ike
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    ISPs want some of our license fee? how is that fair

    But you don't pay for that. You are paying for up to 8Mb, unlimited subject to fair usage policy (i.e. sharing with others). Maybe:- (i) pay more to get what you want (ii) read the the small print in your contract. (iii) think how your neighbours would feel with you hogging bandwidth in the...
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    Axminster offer - stonking deal on JET Grinder!

    Hi Alan, I rate it highly. It is a well designed, very well made grinder. It is better than the Tormek in that the water bath is better designed to avoid overspill. I can't compare it with a Tormek but performancewise I can't fault it. There are a comprehensive range of fixtures...
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    Ferrules for chisels: Brass or copper?

    You may find bought ferrules are work-hardened, and prone to split over the course of a damp winter (like mine did). If you buy, to be sure, just heat them to dull red and let aircool. Ike
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    Axminster offer - stonking deal on JET Grinder!

    Just receives this offer. I already have one. It's a great bit of kit. Some may say less so than the Scheppach. But at nearly half the price.... :wink: Ike
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    Best router for Leigh superjig?

    ... Re-read my post. :wink:
  13. I

    Petrol leak

    The tank will likely be an oleofin (waxy) plastic - polypropylene polyethylene (HDPE). Lashing rope is polyprop, you could use the strands as filler. Don't worry about using a blowlamp except a pointy little flame is best to keep the heat localised. But you MUST fill the tank with water...
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    Petrol leak

    Weld it with a a soldering iron or even quicker with blowlamp. Make a plastic 'filler rod' from a piece of scrap plastic like an icecream container. Must fill tank with water before inverting to make safe. :wink:
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    My piggy bank

    Oi! I'll have you know... :roll:
  16. I

    Ashley Iles bevel edge chisels

    I concur re the AI's. I find honing at 35 degrees rather than 30 helps too, without any noticeable difference in use. cheers, ike
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    Axminster ND16F Pillar Drill

    I've got the bench version- otherwise identical. It's does a good job. It is sturdy with an 80mm column. I haven't noticed any flex. The keyless chuck (Axminster) is especially good. I haven't noticed any play in the spindle after 8 years of fairly regular use. The only niggle I have with it...
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    latest addition

    :shock: :lol:
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    Ashley Iles bevel edge chisels

    The issue with the AI's is that they are belt-linished, not surface ground. There is nothing like the precision or fine finish of the LN's in them. If that's important to you then fair enough, however I think the steel is good quality, every single chisel/gouge I believe is hardness tested...
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    Anyone used a ‘Reversible Glue Joint Cutter’ ?

    I find this cutter a bit tricky to setup - it's trial and error, trial and error etc. In theory you could experiment and make a table of the height from the table to the top of the cutter for different board thicknesses, so you can setup in one shot with a height vernier or similar. I've...