how the bloody hell is this fair?
I pay for an "up to 8meg" internet connection unlimited.
unlimited what does that mean? well supposidly it means unlimited under the companies "fair useage" policy. I.e. if they think that by me using it too much , I affect other peoples connection then thats not fair useage.
point 1) why is it my fault that MY connection affects other peoples, surely the ISP needs enough bandwidth to serve MY connection in isolation? (clearly not the case).
point 2) how the hell can the ISP get away with advertising something that is "unlimited" but it is LIMITED BY THEM (thier shortfall of bandwidth).
Its like Tesco saying:
* note second one isn't free
point 3) how can my IPS get away with "data shaping" my connection from 6PM to midnight? how is it MY fault that they don't have enough capacity for everyone when they get home from work?
Now that more people are using VOD (video on demand), Iplayer, ITV, channel4, sky..........
why is it that the ISPs are allowed to get away with implementing thier "fair useage policy" far more liberally?
They have had MANY years of "getting away" with people "just" web browsing and emailing (low bandwidth), now that people want to "use" thier connection they are told that its "not fair" on other users.
COME ON! during the years of having it easy shouldn't the ISPs have spent some money on the infa-structure to pre-empt this situation.
How is it now the media suppliers responsibility to subsidize the ISP industry.
Its like saying that its FORD`s fault that shell can't cope with petrol demand.... utter rubbish.
how the bloody hell is this fair?
I pay for an "up to 8meg" internet connection unlimited.
unlimited what does that mean? well supposidly it means unlimited under the companies "fair useage" policy. I.e. if they think that by me using it too much , I affect other peoples connection then thats not fair useage.
point 1) why is it my fault that MY connection affects other peoples, surely the ISP needs enough bandwidth to serve MY connection in isolation? (clearly not the case).
point 2) how the hell can the ISP get away with advertising something that is "unlimited" but it is LIMITED BY THEM (thier shortfall of bandwidth).
Its like Tesco saying:
* note second one isn't free
point 3) how can my IPS get away with "data shaping" my connection from 6PM to midnight? how is it MY fault that they don't have enough capacity for everyone when they get home from work?
Now that more people are using VOD (video on demand), Iplayer, ITV, channel4, sky..........
why is it that the ISPs are allowed to get away with implementing thier "fair useage policy" far more liberally?
They have had MANY years of "getting away" with people "just" web browsing and emailing (low bandwidth), now that people want to "use" thier connection they are told that its "not fair" on other users.
COME ON! during the years of having it easy shouldn't the ISPs have spent some money on the infa-structure to pre-empt this situation.
How is it now the media suppliers responsibility to subsidize the ISP industry.
Its like saying that its FORD`s fault that shell can't cope with petrol demand.... utter rubbish.