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  1. T

    Sorby Proedge System

    I am another very happy owner of a proedge - really like the flat grind it puts on scrapers and gouges - use alongside scary-sharp for finishing plane irons, chisels, etc. Easy, quick, reproducible and clean ... At Harrogate show last week they had demo's of new diamond (or some other) belts in...
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    Sanding door and window frame mouldings

    Hi Dibs - are you suggesting I use Abranet on the Fein, or just as a hand alternative to sandpaper. I've got so much to sand, I was wondering if there was a power tool option? I've now found that Festool do a linear sander, but at over £300 it seems just a bit too specialised for me ... but if...
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    Sanding door and window frame mouldings

    I've a couple of Victorian doors and windows to tidy up. My Fein Multimaster has been superb at cleaning up the panels. rails etc. But the profile sander attachment is very disappointing - abrasive doesn't stay in the clamp, and even if it does is very quickly wearing out ... I have tried both...
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    bandsaw buying suggestion

    I have been very impressed and pleased with my Basato 4 - seemed better made and more solid than the Record "equivalent". Easy and accurate to use ... nice tool.
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    Postage to a good home ...

    Nothing special ... but I have a few Marples c.1975 tools I inherited (probably a set originally) and have never used ... carbon steel, a tad rusty, but sharpened OK and easily cleanable I'd have thought ... I thought they might be useful additions to try out alternative grinds, etc ... but it...
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    pro edge v slow grinder with red wheels

    I also have a proedge ... my wheel has gathered dust, along with the tru-grind ever since ...
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    How Do You Store Your Turning Tools?

    Why is sharp end uppermost a "shudder" issue - that way you pick up a tool as you will use it, not needing to reverse it, etc. I am blessed with a bit of wall space - I have a rack of plastic tube mounts like Harlequin pictured, to drop the handles into ... easy to see the tool tips at eye level...
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    Wheels for a toy motorbike?

    Help anyone? I plan to make scooter-type motorbike for my nephew out of plywood. Have some ideas for the construction, but I need wheels. I'm thinking of 300mm/12" (or so) things with tyres (ideally, but not essentially) pneumatic. I thought ... naively ... kids bikes, so tried bicycle shops...
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    Building your own Timber-Frame House?

    For ideas - there was a really good C4 "Grand Designs" programme (my partner loves it, I'm so-so generally) about the construction of an A-frame green-wood timber house with straw-bale insulation and the like ... I found a book about it (with the engineering test etc included) ... I'll never do...
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    Workshop Heaven Passaround

    Interesting to see the real things after the reviews. Tried to approach them with a completely open mind (empty is fairly normal for me really) ... and I can't claim that much experience to base opinions on ... but, here goes ... Flush saw. Felt really flimsy and fragile. worked really well...
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    Motice Help

    Thanks for your link Jeff - found this really helpful - recently had my first proper go at mortices making a table (pictures in projects forum) using proper chisels ... could have done a LOT better if I'd seen this before ... went back and took ideas from your pages to practice the same in some...
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    Occasional/"lamp" table (long, lots of photos)

    Bob - it is just the inner two faces of the legs that are tapered - photo may not be clear, but it's a straight vertical on the outer faces at 90 degrees to the rails and top. Olly - think the chamfer on the top was measuring about 5 mm of thickness and 60 mm of the width ... wondering if the...
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    Occasional/"lamp" table (long, lots of photos)

    Thanks for that. Yes - legs might be a bit thin - felt I was stopping it from being too clunky and heavy - but might have gone a bit far. Feels solid enough for an occasional table - wouldn't survive in a busy hallway or a kitchen though I realise ... Lower edge of the rails - I have put a...
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    Occasional/"lamp" table (long, lots of photos)

    This is a first for me ... both recording a WIP, and making something like this ... done more things with a lathe than on a bench. Learned a lot doing this though ... Bought some beech planks - would have liked to have used walnut, but thought I could learn (ie make mistakes) with something...
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    These air masks any good?

    There were problems with the Powercap - electrical connections breaking - but seems to be sorted out now (mine seems OK now!). Very nice bit of kit to use. Filters on mine have been fine after over a year - I run the camvac hose over each one when they look clogged after heavy use and it seems...
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    OK...time to cut up the burr elm

    Think the veneer idea is the one to go for to make the most of this ... don't think it'll work as a mandolin top/back as the structure wouldn't be stable or strong enough to resonate as a soundboard (I'm no luthier, just a player).
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    My new Lathe - UPD8 + Bowlsaving!

    Steep learning curve for sure - I've not made my way up it yet - been doing other things ... but WHEN I get the hang of it (like in your video RH) it looks a lot more flexible ...
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    Xtreme Xstension or Eliminator or ?

    I have the XX on my T11 that lives in the table. The extra length really helps get the best out of cutters. The allen key is still a bit fiddly, but MUCH better than a spanner. No wobble or balancing problems experienced even when using large (50 mm +) cutters. Very pleased with it. Possible...
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    Advice on My first Bandsaw (and last! if I get it right)

    I haven't needed any "support" - but Scheppach are supported/imported by NMA who have been very positively reviewed on this forum on a number of occasions concerning bits of kit - so hopefully at least reasonable ...
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    Advice on My first Bandsaw (and last! if I get it right)

    Quite a lot are - I went for the Basato 4 as my workshop ceiling is the same height and it fits in ... it seemed to be one of the highest spec/best made machines that was within my budget and would fit into my basement ... a number of other machines in my budget plus or minus (including...