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  1. D

    Removing old bath sealant

    Hello, The sealant round the bath has gone manky-looking (i.e it's blackened, but still seems to be making an effective seal). I want to remove it and re-do it, anyone got any tips for methods/products for getting the old stuff off? Incidentally, the bath is plastic (fibreglass??), not steel...
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    Erbauer at Screwfix - who males em?

    I took a punt on a 2nd-hand erbauer SCMS. Whilst it's only had hobby use, I can't fault it. Would buy the brand again.
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    Great Cheap Tools

    Lidl hand tools are often rather good, in spite of the low price. Non-woodworky, but that's where I got my ring spanners and various pliers/grips. I got a set of HSS drill bits from them the other week. Only had limited use on steel so far, but have worked great.
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    Beginner :)

  5. D

    Beginner :)

    Have a think about what you want/need. That's generally how I come up with project ideas. For example, the OH had a horrid glass chopping board, which she agreed to part with it if it was replaced with a wooden one - hence she got a wooden chopping board (made by me) for Xmas. Also, we...
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    venetian blinds in odd sizes

    Hi Anyone know where I can get white venetian blinds in odd sizes? I really want to fit them within the window opening, as (I think) it's neater. I didn't think a 1600mm wide blind was going to be that hard to find, but seems I'm wrong... The drop is 1260mm. I know you can get them made...
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    Where to buy different wood

    I bought a bunkbed on a well-known auction site, and used the timber to build my bench. The top is an offcut from when we replaced our kitchen worktops. Total cost - £10.00 Not the prettiest bench ever, but it works for me.
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    Countryfile : Free advertising for Adam!

    There's a small campsite attached to his farm. The GF and I stayed a few days last year. Did some lovely walks in the area, and looked at his rare breeds over the fence. Very nice.
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    To change or not to change?

    Looks great. I'm very envious of your library.
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    Gluing and clamping edge to edge

    I have used carrier bags, but could well imagine waxy paper being easier (less fiddly and flimsy)
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    Glueing oak through iron and wood

    Knifemakers used 2-part epoxy to glue wooden scales to metal blades, so how about some of that?
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    sharpening HSS drill bits

    Thanks all. I have a bench grinder so will have a go at one or two of the larger ones
  13. D

    sharpening HSS drill bits

    Hello, I've got a set of titanium-coated HSS drill bits. I bought them from Halfords a few years ago, and they've been great. However, they're now pretty much all blunt (they're OK for wood, but steel now thumbs its nose at 'em). I've never re-sharpened drill bits before - is this...
  14. D

    If you could have only one woodworking machine/powertool?

    Bandsaw also. The first "big" powertool I bought (as opposed to hand power tools - drills/sanders and the like), and easily the most used. I think someone already made this point, but with careful cutting, you can get close to a finished surface. I built my garden table in this way, and only...
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    large (100mm ish) dowel sources?

    Hi thanks all for the replies. Apologies for the delay in response to the questions, I've been away from computers for a bit. Anywho, I did indeed mean 100mm. I was unsure of what this would actually weigh (I figured it'd be heavy, but was hoping to handle some to find out exactly how much)...
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    large (100mm ish) dowel sources?

    Hi As per the title, can anyone suggest sources for dowel approx 100mm dia? Would need to be about 7'-8' long, as it'd be for a curtain rail. No idea if that sort of thing is available, or if you'd still call it dowel when it's that large... Thanks
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    Latest piece

    Marvellous. It looks like it should be fetching a fortune at an antiques auction.
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    Simple beginner question.

    Sounds like you've given this all some thought already, so apologies if this has already been considered, but if you use the "sandwiching two bits together (with the rear piece being narrower)"* method to create your rebate, then you could make the half-lap at the same time. *a name of my own...
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    Simple beginner question.

    One thing I've been doing is buying cheap and nasty picture frames from boot sales etc. Junk the old surround, and you have a piece of glass with a back cut to the same size (unless you need a frame in an unusual shape/size). Cheaper than buying a new bit of glass. If the OP is thinking of...