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  1. Y

    Magnets for tool storage

    They look nice but probably wouldn't work with the holster idea. You would need to reduce them which might give you enough movement to play with at the top. I do sympathise with your desire to keep the aesthetics in line with what you had in mind. So far as megnetisation is concerned, I have...
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    Magnets for tool storage

    I have my Record jack plane stored vertically in a wooden holster fixed to the wall. It has a small lip at the bottom to retain the heal and a wider one at the top for the toe. The toe is pushed up under the top lip, the plane is then pushed into fully vertical and the heel dropped behind the...
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    welsh slate

    That's an interesting one. Can't say I have ever tried it but I would have thought that the grit of slate would be likely to vary quite widely on a fairly localised basis, just as does the texture and other characteristics of most forms of natural stone. I have some grey/green Brazilian slate...
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    Steampunk Mitrebox

    Nice looking tool, Derek, I'm sure it works a treat. Jim
  5. Y

    Help required Best Bi-Focal Safety Glasses.

    I have prescription vari-focals which are plastic (almost certainly polycarbonate I would think) with a hard coating. They resist scratching pretty well with sensible precautions, by which I mean always clean them with water with a drop of washing up liquid on the lenses, irrigate thorughly and...
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    Working with slate

    The diamond holesaw sounds like the best answer to me. I made a frame and panel blanket chest in cherry with green/grey slate panels. I cut them with a cutting disc in an angle grinder which makes an unbelievable amont of dust. I workes outdoors and wore my electric respiarator for this but...
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    Is 'Furniture & Cabinetmaking' magazine well regarded?

    That's a bit brutal to a newbie, Rod, but you do have a point. Welcome to the forum Barney. Jim
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    Bench Build

    Places like B&Q and Wickes are not the places to go if you want good quaality softwood, as well documented in various posts on this forum. You are generally much better off going to a local timber merchant. A good starting point is to talk to some local joiners to find out where they buy from...
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    Bench Build

    Phil, The first thing to do is to stop agonising about it. Don't throw it away, use it. My first bench was made from 3 x3 softwood with some dodgy M&Ts. It is still going strong 20 years later. Don't rely on a gap filling polyurethaner glue - it fills the gaps with bubbles which have...
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    Workbench Top (2)

    Phil, I have an Emir bench with cupboard, drawers under, tail vice at one end a quick release Record at the other, It had an overhang of about 1.5" which I found very useful for clamping down. It also had a row of traditional square dog holes set at the back of the overhanging board which...
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    straight router cutters

    No, it's just for general use, I don't do much with manmade board either. The one I have is by CMT. Jim
  12. Y

    Staining hands

    Just keep it out of the little nicks that most of us woodworkers have on our hands. Jim
  13. Y

    Staining hands

    I'm with Sgian. Skin wears away and with it the stain. Jim
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    straight router cutters

    I stick to a 12mm replaceable tip cutter unless I actually need something narrower. Although expensive initially, I find these last longer and give a better finish than conventional cutters and the tips are reversible. Jim
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    hand plane

    Gary, Sounds like I have touched a raw nerve which was absolutely not my intention. Of course I am fortunate to have a planer thicknesser and many people are less privileged in that respect than me. I do not for a moment seek to denigrate any woodworker or their methods; I simply put forward...
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    hand plane

    Gary, I think if you read my post again, it will be apparent that my exclusion of scrub planes was from a minimal camber, not from any camber at all. That was certainly my intention. I don't have a scrub plane and don't often remove significant amounts of stock by hand - that's why I have a...
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    hand plane

    I don't know by how much Paul rounds off the edges of his planes but I'm not sure I buy the idea about conforming with blade camber. Scrub planes aside, in my opinion, the only time there is any point in a camber is for finishing shavings so that no tramlines are created or left, in which case...
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    Router choices, opinions required for a new woodworker!

    I think that's a good plan. While the Elu is a good router (I have one myself) it is relatively low powered and has only a 1/4" collet. Jim
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    Lint free cloth

    Worn out tee shirts are pretty good too. Jim
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    stop finger print rust

    Rusty fingers! That's a terrible affliction for a woodworker. A well known toolmaker once said to me of his very willing Saturday helper " I couldn't possibly give him a job, he's got rusty fingers, I find them everywhere, all over the machinery". Not a problem I have but the late lamented...