PHOTO ADVICE re 2011 Competition / Challange

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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Hi People

Had a few PM's and questions on the forum re photos , so thought I would do an update

1, When posting photos please only submit 3
2, Please select image size 640 x 480 0.3 MP ( Can be found it menus setup Image quality on your camera ) reason for this is to limit the band width used on the forum and to keep us all on a level playing field re photo quality
3, Please use a neutral background the one I have used is a white cotton bed sheet
4, Fill the frame as much as possible with your entry as that's what the judges want to see not everything around it , If your camera is unable to focus at close distance , move back and use the zoom function and zoom in

Here are 3 example images all taken at 640 x 480 0.3 MP



Colour cast / white balance

These 3 images were taken on auto white balance , as you can see this results in a yellow cast , so you need to chose the corect white balance for the lighting you are using





The above / below / side profile does not need to be precise as if you have a undercut rim it would not be seen from directly above , The 3 shots of your work are to give the Judge the best view of your entry

On my computer , if you hold down the control key and rotate the mouse wheel you can zoom in and out on the image to get CLOSE UP'S :mrgreen:

Just so you are not all quaking in your boots , this is not my entry for this month :mrgreen:

It was my first ever bowl :lol:
Blister":pfh8nlck said:
Colour cast / white balance

These 3 images were taken on auto white balance , as you can see this results in a yellow cast , so you need to chose the corect white balance for the lighting you are using

Alternatively, include a reference white object in your shot, and correct the white balance on your computer


I can see why you're showing what are basically the 0, 90, 180 shots here for the repeatability I just wonder if it would be nice to have a 4th one which is free. Situations where I can see this being useful / pleasant to have would include:
* in the decorating one there's something that I'm proud of and want to show the judge - note that with 30-40 bowls to look at they may not zoom in on the "right" bit
* I may chose to turn a bowl dead thing for some reason and want to show how damn clever I've been by showing the light coming through the sides
* there is some interplay between the inner and outer surface which is best shown at 135 degrees

I don't think that having such a "4th option" would mean that someone who has all the gear and knowledge will give a better presentation than muppet me taking pictures on the kitchen worktop as they will already have better pictures for shots 1-3. :)


PS I know I've been asking about pictures etc but so far we've identified that do do any of it "properly" we need a much better camera so chances are the pictures will remain on the kitchen side for some time!
miles_hot":3frrgijy said:

I can see why you're showing what are basically the 0, 90, 180 shots here for the repeatability I just wonder if it would be nice to have a 4th one which is free. Situations where I can see this being useful / pleasant to have would include:
* in the decorating one there's something that I'm proud of and want to show the judge - note that with 30-40 bowls to look at they may not zoom in on the "right" bit
* I may chose to turn a bowl dead thing for some reason and want to show how damn clever I've been by showing the light coming through the sides
* there is some interplay between the inner and outer surface which is best shown at 135 degrees

I don't think that having such a "4th option" would mean that someone who has all the gear and knowledge will give a better presentation than muppet me taking pictures on the kitchen worktop as they will already have better pictures for shots 1-3. :)


PS I know I've been asking about pictures etc but so far we've identified that do do any of it "properly" we need a much better camera so chances are the pictures will remain on the kitchen side for some time!


I have sent a PM to George and Barry our 2 Judges re the photo angles asking if they are happy with my suggestion or would like something different , So let the Judges decide :p
Blister":3ll3e60i said:
miles_hot":3ll3e60i said:

I can see why you're showing what are basically the 0, 90, 180 shots here for the repeatability I just wonder if it would be nice to have a 4th one which is free. Situations where I can see this being useful / pleasant to have would include:
* in the decorating one there's something that I'm proud of and want to show the judge - note that with 30-40 bowls to look at they may not zoom in on the "right" bit
* I may chose to turn a bowl dead thing for some reason and want to show how damn clever I've been by showing the light coming through the sides
* there is some interplay between the inner and outer surface which is best shown at 135 degrees

I don't think that having such a "4th option" would mean that someone who has all the gear and knowledge will give a better presentation than muppet me taking pictures on the kitchen worktop as they will already have better pictures for shots 1-3. :)


PS I know I've been asking about pictures etc but so far we've identified that do do any of it "properly" we need a much better camera so chances are the pictures will remain on the kitchen side for some time!


I have sent a PM to George and Barry our 2 Judges re the photo angles asking if they are happy with my suggestion or would like something different , So let the Judges decide :p


I have now had reply's from both Judge

Both can see no problems with the photo judging as it stands , and If we all do the same ( 41 of us ) again no advantage from differing camera angles

So the 3 photos angles set in this photo post stand



A question to those that understand these things

My camera doesn't go down to the specified file size.

Does taking them at min resolution, uploading to Photobucket and then resize using their tools to the 640 x 480 size give the same result? Is this an acceptable methodology?

Wood spoiler":3uixen2z said:

A question to those that understand these things

My camera doesn't go down to the specified file size.

Does taking them at min resolution, uploading to Photobucket and then resize using their tools to the 640 x 480 size give the same result? Is this an acceptable methodology?



Yes that will be fine

