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Established Member
2 Oct 2009
Reaction score
West London
Hey folks. Haven't posted much here for a while as it's all a bit full-on, but I though I'd share this little exchange I had on YouTube with someone who's apparently, "supported and encouraged" me from the start.

I put a short video series out a few weeks ago about making a set of shelves for a client, and trying to get the price of the tools I used out of the money the shelves generated. Fun little series, proved quite popular. As usual when you discuss price on these things, there's always a bit of push-back from the "you can't charge that around here" and "it's only MDF" crowd; that goes with the territory, and YouTube isn't a place for the thin-skinned and easily offended. I posted a follow-up today, where I did the opposite - I took a commercial job of a similar price to the shelves, and totted up the price & quantity of the tools I used to make it; I thought it was a fun little follow-on, and it seems to be mostly well received so far. And then I had this:-


Got to love that "low-end, low-skilled" part! As I say, YouTube isn't the place for the thin-skinned, and I thought this was a hilarious, classic troll-comment. And as is my want these days, I pin these silly ones to the top of the comments, so everyone can take a look. And there's usually a few robust replies to this kind of thing, which occasionally can degenerate - bet that sounds familiar to the mods, eh??

Anyhoo, once I've pinned the comment I typically get on with my life and don't give it another thought, but this comment thread just keeps going and going - he's obviously keen to have the last word. So I took another look:-


Now, this is the only forum where I'm a member, so I have to assume that this "Korean Zombie" is a member here too. So, whatever it is, I look forward to being 'proper embarrassed' by them, lol!

And yes, I have my sheet goods cut on a panel saw - why wouldn't I in a tiny workshop - but not by B&Q. And I have no idea what the panel-saw guy in B&Q does when he's not on the panel saw. Maybe he's a 'humble' cabinetmaker or YouTuber??

Anyhoo, if you fancy seeing what actual cabinetmakers think of this guy, there's a few comments on my instagram here:-

Happy times! :D


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Well you've dug me out of retirement here Peter..

Who is it then folks? The YouTube comments have been giving me a good laugh, interested to see who pops up :D
I'll be surprised if the little scrote has got the minerals to actually reveal himself here!
Most likely these people never actually make anything and just sit on the internet all day trying to put good people down.
Haters gonna hate...

I think that guy spends most of his day sitting on the internet working his wood...

I thoroughly enjoy your videos Peter. Thanks for your efforts.
Just to be clear Amigo, I am Canuckian and also work with MDF. But not on your level as a craftsman , you should see some of the carp I whack together. As far back as I can remember I got no Korean in me. Could be wrong though , some of my family were right pistols. :wink:
I think it's unlikely that korean zombie would worry about whether there's any substance to his claim to be on the same forums as you, Peter.
But if he ever did pop up on here, I look forward to being accused of all sorts of nonsense, alongside the many other members who enjoy what you produce and respect your professionalism.
Maybe they don't realise the 10 minutes in "10 Minute Workshop" isn't actually in real time... Charging all that for 10 minutes work is shocking Peter ;)
Its a troll.
Everybody should know that you NEVER FEED THE TROLLS. (hammer) (hammer)

Just delete every post it makes, as soon as it makes it. Do not refer to it ever. It will slowly self destruct from eating its own bile.
I've just read the comment thread on that YouTube video.

I would report the comments as offensive. They are actual personal attacks.

Not cool at all.

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Not me Peter.
I just ask inane questions like how do you get your pencils so sharp & you have the decency to reply? :)
Edit: had the decency, not have :oops:
Cheers everyone. Yes, curious how he hasn’t popped up here yet - must be busy, I guess, lol!

Just for the record, this kind of nonsense does pop up periodically on a YouTube channel, and kind of goes with the territory, sadly; like I say further up, YouTube isn’t the place for the easily-offended or the thin-skinned!

As for ‘feeding the trolls’ all I’ve done with this clown - and all the others - is my “one word and 2 emoji” response posted above; there’s nothing else for me to say - though I do, as a matter of course these days, block these jokers from commenting in future.

@Robbo3 - and did I answer?? ;) Helix A 5 desktop sharpener FTW! :D

Thanks everyone!
petermillard":1on6uomq said:
@Robbo3 - and did I answer?? ;) Helix A 5 desktop sharpener FTW! :D
Apologies. I've edited my comment.
Struggling with my own language here - perhaps I should have said 'you graciously replied'.
KoreanZombie, ooh wonder who it is. It's not me fella! ;)

Love your channel Peter! I've learned a lot watching your vids.

I think the main thing is not to reply to the trolls, I see Matthias Wandel and John Heisz get trolled and sometimes they respond via another video, I always thought that was a mistake and gives these trolls the attention they crave.

Edit - Just had a look at the rest of this Zombie person's comments, wow!
Nope not me, thoroughly enjoy your videos Peter, keep them coming.

Also, might be worth having a box of troll biscuits in the workshop (must be a spare tin on one of those shelves) for when folks like this decide to visit. You can also chuck them outside the shop and let them gorge themselves without defecating all over the place.
Dont get gremlims wet after midnight, and dont give a troll even a morsel.
life's lessons all in one line. (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)

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