Yew tea light holders

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Established Member
23 Nov 2013
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Simple enough, the yew speaks for itself really without any embellishments.




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The photo makes them look narrower at the bottom then they really are, they are quite stable
you will need to put some kind of additional holder to accept the tea lights for fire safety. Despite the tea lights having a metal base, when that becomes a molten pool of wax there is a significant fire risk if left unattended. Ikea plus various others sell packs of little holders into which the tea light sits.
No not this time Graham, I'm no fan of nanny states or red tape. This is a real and genuine risk. My brother set fire to his bathroom doing just this. Ran a bath, lit the candles to make it all romantic for the good lady, got distracted, came back and the tea lights had set fire to the candle holders. Dunno what the wood was but he uses the tea light holders all the time now.

Its not a trivial risk, a very real one unfortunately.
Just to echo the need for a liner. I have charred yew in particular with a candle in a brass insert that had no bottom. Also seen oak T light holders charred using just the aluminium foil. The glass ones are cheap enough so it simply isn't worth the risk.

A real risk concerning tealights.
I work (or rather I'm employed... ;) ) in a university. We have a blanket ban on candles on campus following an incident where 2 students almost died.
A couple of girls were having a night in with some wine & a DVD. They lit some candles and placed them around the room. One was placed on top of the TV. The metal holder became so hot it melted a hole in the TV casing allowing the molten, burning candle to fall inside setting fire to the TV.

Thankfully all rooms have smoke detectors, but the girls were carried out unconscious and spent a spell in hospital being treated for toxic smoke inhalation.

I'm un-pc and don't have a lot of time for unnecessary health & safety, but most rules are in place for a reason. Unfortunately some folk just take them too far.
Scary looking at etsy, folksy, eBay etc how many wooden holders are for sale pictured with just the tea light in its foil, in fact lots with the candle sitting straight on the wood with nothing in between!
I know. In fact after my brothers bathroom incident which was a few years ago, I've started spotting similar stories and its scary how frequent candle related fires start. I'm just waiting for those Gov TV ads for smoke detectors to feature one instead of the traditional cigarette butt falling from the ash tray. After chip fat fires and cigarettes I'd be prepared to bet its the 3rd most common cause. Especially after the explosion in growth of candles, scented candles, outdoor candles, candles for this and that. They're in every conceivable space in the modern home!! Hate the dam things :)
As I said, I had a seriously charred pair of yew candlesticks even though I was using brass inserts. The ones I used were sleeves without bottoms. I assumed the danger was from the candle burning down and catching at the side but obviously not. Needless to say I have thrown them away and now only use the full inserts. For T lights I get packs of twelve glass ones from a well known scandinavian store online cheaply (£2). Apart from the safety angle there is also the fact that having inserts means they are easier to keep clean.

Another favourite, and I know of two instances, is placing them on the edge of plastic baths, they can melt right through.

Many years ago my cousin who was a Fire Station Chief near Bordsley Green, B'ham. was called out to a house fire.
On the way to the scene he picked up the incident report to check destination details only to find it was actually His Mothers house in Eastfield rd.

His brother thought he would help out and speed up the defrosting of the refrigerator whilst they went shopping by placing a couple of candles inside.

It cost the complete replacement of the kitchen and scullery contents.