Good idea - believe a website run by a hacker and trust your console to his advice :roll:
It's broken and has a RROD to prove its broken. There can be a number of causes, not just over heating, and a diagnostics facility will tell you which. Whether this is MS themselves, a computer store's repair facility or a backstreet repairer will determine the price, the level of confidence you have in their abilities and the guarantee you get that the repair/fix will last.
When my PS3 suffered the same fate and Sony were less than helpful (ie only offered to replace for £150 and a 2 week delay and couldn't save any data from the existing HD) I got a tad sharp with the Sony helpline, told them I could buy an x-box for almost that price and that they had lost a loyal customer. An hour later I got a call from a supervisor with a diagnostic manual and we sorted the problem over the phone :shock:
Bottom line is that its going to cost you to get it fixed. Try MS in the first instance and see whether they can help you at all, then decide whether to go elsewhere. You did back up your save game data to external media didn't you?! With the PS3 I can replace the hard disc in the event of a total failure, and will be trying this as a last resort if it goes down again before splashing out on a new console. Not sure whether that will solve the RROD on the x-box however if it really is a motherboard issue, again MS would be my first point of call - a call is cheap and the advice may be useful.