Established Member
Get a Citizen Eco-drive. The watch face is the charger so no batteries required. No batteries means it doesn't need to be opened, so it remains waterproof. Win-win all the way. HTH
The rings are driven by small teeth around their inner diameter (if you look closely you can see the teeth inside the date ring), a tiny pawl, or in watch terms a click, advances the ring at the appropriate time. They are retained by small curved guides that fit over the teeth. It ought to take quite a forceful impact to dislodge it, so much so I would certainly expect to see some corresponding serious damage to the case. You have got a few good dings in the bezel, but not enough to cause that I would have thought. These dings are what they will probably say are evidence of impact damage, and you have to wonder what the bezel is made of if it dents that easily. I have a couple of Vostok Russian watches that cost peanuts that I wear when just bumming around they are 50 years old and don't have damage like that, despite having been frankly abused! Certainly looks to me like it was faulty in the first place, or just not very well made. Personally I would avoid these type of "designer" watches. They tend to be way overpriced for what you are actually getting. If you see one you particularly like them try and find a second hand one on e bay or similar, they don't hold their value so something that might be £1500 new can often be found for £500 or so. Looking at their site the prices are ridiculous. If you want a mechanical watch Seiko are fantastic in terms of reliability. If you aren't especially interested in it being mechanical then again Seiko, or the likes of the Citizen eco drive range are really good quartz watches. Or if you want to splash out then buy a second hand proper watch like an Omega. Many of the Meister Singer designs seem to be based on military type watches, so maybe buy one of those, a genuine WW2 Hamilton or similar, then you have something genuinely interesting and that will hold its value, rather than an overpriced look alike.View attachment 162546I bought a MeisterSinger watch over a year ago. The watch developed a fault where the date mechanism would not work—see photo. The centre date dial had disconnected from the main watch mechanism—I guess. The watch is still under warranty and so I sent it back to the reseller—Jura Watches. I sent the watch back mid May and I received a reply today from them saying the watch is now with MeisterSinger in Germany. This is part of the email…
I don’t know much about watches but I do know that I did not bang the watch on anything or drop it. MeisterSinger are claiming it’s had an impact to cause this problem—so the warranty is voided. I’ve replied to the email disputing this as I think it’s a fault with the watch. It’s go a few scratches on the bezel from wearing it but that’s not impact—is it? Am I being unreasonable about this? I can have the watch back without repair if I pay £65.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Best wishes
Thank you for this—I will do this. What you have said makes complete sense and it is the route I should follow. Much appreciated!Contact Jura UK again. Tell them the watch had not suffered any impact or damage. Remind them that they did not report damage to you or ask any questions when they received it so you can be reasonably certain (balance of probabilities, the legal test in civil disputes) it was in good condition at that point. That means the damage, if indeed there is any, must have happened whilst it was in their care or in transit from them to the manufacturer. If they claim that they didn't inspect it on receipt and just sent it on, remind them that they are the UK retailer and have a duty to you as the customer.
Ask what they propose as a solution. Ask for a response within 5 working days. If they say it is beyond repair, and have no evidence that it was damaged when they received it, ask for a full refund of the purchase price. Be prepared to accept a slightly lower amount for wear and tear, a watch like that should easily work for 10 years so maybe accept 90% The main plank of your argument is that you have not damaged it, they did not report damage when they received it, so it's their responsibility.
Deal only with Jura UK, the retailer, not with the manufacturer.
+1Get a Citizen Eco-drive. The watch face is the charger so no batteries required. No batteries means it doesn't need to be opened, so it remains waterproof. Win-win all the way. HTH
Yes it does ding easily. I know how they were caused and that was within a few months of owning the watch. The date mechanism still worked after that. I’m definitely going for a Seiko or a Citizen Eco-Drive.The rings are driven by small teeth around their inner diameter (if you look closely you can see the teeth inside the date ring), a tiny pawl, or in watch terms a click, advances the ring at the appropriate time. They are retained by small curved guides that fit over the teeth. It ought to take quite a forceful impact to dislodge it, so much so I would certainly expect to see some corresponding serious damage to the case. You have got a few good dings in the bezel, but not enough to cause that I would have thought. These dings are what they will probably say are evidence of impact damage, and you have to wonder what the bezel is made of if it dents that easily. I have a couple of Vostok Russian watches that cost peanuts that I wear when just bumming around they are 50 years old and don't have damage like that, despite having been frankly abused! Certainly looks to me like it was faulty in the first place, or just not very well made. Personally I would avoid these type of "designer" watches. They tend to be way overpriced for what you are actually getting. If you see one you particularly like them try and find a second hand one on e bay or similar, they don't hold their value so something that might be £1500 new can often be found for £500 or so. Looking at their site the prices are ridiculous. If you want a mechanical watch Seiko are fantastic in terms of reliability. If you aren't especially interested in it being mechanical then again Seiko, or the likes of the Citizen eco drive range are really good quartz watches. Or if you want to splash out then buy a second hand proper watch like an Omega. Many of the Meister Singer designs seem to be based on military type watches, so maybe buy one of those, a genuine WW2 Hamilton or similar, then you have something genuinely interesting and that will hold its value, rather than an overpriced look alike.
Think that is what I’m leaning towards and they are not that expensive either. Definitely a win-win.Get a Citizen Eco-drive. The watch face is the charger so no batteries required. No batteries means it doesn't need to be opened, so it remains waterproof. Win-win all the way. HTH
Thank you. Yes I definitely will pursue this matter with Jura.Tenacity is the byword, I had a problem with an item bought on e-bay for £XXX.00 this never arrived, I took this up with e-bay who said they had a delivery receipt? Royal Mail said the receipt was valid, but they do have a lot of case's where the receipt is from a different origin? e-bay washed their hands of the transaction and referred my to PayPal, they also said the signed for delivery note was valid and there was nothing they could do, I referred this to the Financial Ombudsman who took up the case, writing to PayPal, PayPal then contacted me and said reluctantly on this occasion they would re-fund, meanwhile I had contacted Visa who I pay my PayPal account through, they also re-funded me, so now I had £XXX.00 x 2, being an honest sort of chap I contacted Visa and told them I had been refunded by PayPal and they advised me to put the extra into my savings account, moral of the story is don't give up.
If we had bought a few Omegas and Rolex‘s when they were not that popular—they could have been funding our woodworking projects for many years!having a pacemaker, my daughter bought me an apple watch.....
thats so if I feel strange to check heart rate.......
I was looking at a Seiko model custom made in was used.....
wife said u must be mad spending a couple of hundred pounds on a watch.....
not sure what the apple it was a lot more...
still trying to get in the habbit of charging.....
nice for email etc notifications and alarm....
wish I had the nonce to buy Omegas 30years ago.....quids in.....
Contact Jura UK again. Tell them the watch had not suffered any impact or damage. Remind them that they did not report damage to you or ask any questions when they received it so you can be reasonably certain (balance of probabilities, the legal test in civil disputes) it was in good condition at that point. That means the damage, if indeed there is any, must have happened whilst it was in their care or in transit from them to the manufacturer. If they claim that they didn't inspect it on receipt and just sent it on, remind them that they are the UK retailer and have a duty to you as the customer.
Ask what they propose as a solution. Ask for a response within 5 working days. If they say it is beyond repair, and have no evidence that it was damaged when they received it, ask for a full refund of the purchase price. Be prepared to accept a slightly lower amount for wear and tear, a watch like that should easily work for 10 years so maybe accept 90% The main plank of your argument is that you have not damaged it, they did not report damage when they received it, so it's their responsibility.
Deal only with Jura UK, the retailer, not with the manufacturer.
Thank for contacting us, I can confirm that the watch has arrived safely and has been booked in under repair 65-1639.
The watch has been returned to the brands service centre for assessment, if in the meantime you have any questions, please contact us on 01335 453 453 or by
I’m not going to be buying anything from Jura. They are slow to respond and you have to keep chasing them.I ordered a watch strap from Jura having already phoned to make sure they has one in stock. ‘Plenty’ came the reply. 10 days later they were still awaiting delivery from their supplier ( where the ‘plenty’ stock was held! Very misleading). Took five weeks.
Thank you for your email, some internal damage from a knock may not always be visible on the case however I have been in contacted with the brand representative and they have sent me pictures of your watch and why they have estimated.
We have compared it to the ones we take of the watch and they do not match up, we are currently is dispute with the brand and will be in contact once we have further information.
The ding in the bezel at approx 9:40 position does look like a significant dent, the metal used must be really soft if that was possible without significant impact. I wouldn't expect that in a gold watch, let alone stainless steel which is a far more typically used material.Yes it does ding easily. I know how they were caused and that was within a few months of owning the watch. The date mechanism still worked after that. I’m definitely going for a Seiko or a Citizen Eco-Drive.
With you there. For work i have a resin radio G Shock, pretty much indestructible, still in good nick after 20 years. For everything else a mechanical one every time. I have about 60 so most difficult decision is often which one to pick!I've had a mechanical watches for a lot of years and I wear it day in and day out. Aside from a service every now and again, it has behaved beautifully - and it gets plenty of abuse.
The repair cost isn't out of line with top brands who have service centres in the UK. Being repaired back in Germany adds a premium, certainly. That said, it really shouldn't need to be funded by you.
I can appreciate that many people will advocate a cheaper quartz and I get that. I also have an eco drive (bullet proof) and my dad's Seiko kinematic - but I always gravitate toward my mechanical watch - most people either love the idea of having a mechanical watch on their arm or they don't.
You could try poking around on here TZ-UK Forums and see what the members say.
Wouldn't be without my G-Shock. Accurate to 1 second (updates itself every day from the atomic clock), solar powered, world clock, stopwatch, 4 alarms, built like the proverbial brick outhouse. Never take it off.i have a resin radio G Shock, pretty much indestructible,