=Adam=":28qfv5vl said:
Gosh guys, thanks for stamping on my interest in earning some extra money!
Honestly, I don't think anyone here's done that - as Pete Maddex says above, they've simply pointed out errors in your proposals which would have had you working at a loss. But good for you for trying to turn a shilling over the summer; my son's just finished his first year at Uni and is making himself useful locally by doing a jet-wash service for patios, driveways, garden furniture etc.. etc.. Telling potential customers that he's a student trying to make a few quid over the summer (rather than, by implication, just dossing around and sponging off his family!) has proved to be a *big* hit with all the mums around and about; really seems to strike a chord, so don't be afraid to make your promotions personal.
As for the planter idea, it just so happens that a gardener pal of mine has asked me to make a couple of 'Versailles' planters (Google it for images and commercial prices) for a customer of his. Never made them before, pretty simple to do, and I could have made the construction simpler than I have, but they're a decent size (500mm cube) so will be pretty weighty when they're full. I'm charging £280 for the pair, painted, and tbh I'm not going to be making much on them when all said and done; but it's more of a favour for my pal, and his merchant banker (really) customers - who also really liked the summerhouse I did earlier in the year, and are interested in having something similar made for their garden...
I don't know if they the kind of prices you can get in South Wales, but my pal the gardener said that I was cheaper than the 'ready-made' planters his customers had looked at - so I guess I underpriced this one, lol!
I just see no validation in looking on eBay at prices as they always appear to be unrealistic!
Not sure if that's unrealistic expensive, or unrealistic cheap??
HTH Pete