Workshop Layout Proposal

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I think you want a wall to separate your woodworking area from car / bike area.
Or at least a shower curtain / NHS bed curtain! that you can pull round when sanding / cutting planning.

Yeah been mulling that over after I saw the coating of sawdust around the place today, the idea of a curtain hadn't occurred but that's definitely added to the list.
Right so today's work has been: -

1. resized workbench from an 800mm depth to 600mm, which is still an increase on my current bench. Also most of the other units I'm making are that size so feels more "modular", and the extra 200mm really makes a mess of the space I'm working to.

2. realised that my plan for lighting would mean that some of the light is being "wasted" as it'll be above the stuff hanging on the walls, but since they're 600x600 panels it's not exactly like there's going to be a shadow issue so abandoned plans to extend the lighting out to account for this. If it's really annoying I can always make easy adjustments.

3. started planning for how to best utilise wall space, there's a random spot next to the door so I'll be building some housed shelving in there to hold handheld power tools but there's switches and things on that wall that I need to account for.

4. resized widths of units so they're all metric - I'd been working to a mixed scale thanks to having some American plans, so I'm now redrawing the plans to be singular system.

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