Workshop build

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Well its still on going but made some progress this week ,just not enough hours in the day . Have some more pictures to post ,will add the later . The workshop has been built in an area that was previously where my old workshop was an wasted piece of ground in the back garden due to the shape .Just for scale the shed (old ws) in the photo is 12' x 10' follow the link (fingers crossed :lol: ).
Holy Cow..... it's HUGEEEEEE

not that I'm jealous.... just gonna sulk for a while...

Phew!, thats a big project - and what a good use of such an awkward shaped bit of garden. Did you apply for planning permission? Was it easy?

You should get some good projects coming out of there in the near future. It could be a long way to get equipment carried in ?
With those nice smooth interior surfaces you should be able to blow any dust out of the workshop with one of the vacuum /blower tools
Thanks all for your comments , looks like work is on hold today the floor paint is still wet but i have an industrial heater out there as we speak 8) . No planning permission was required as its well below 50% of the area of garden more than 5m from the house and road ,built from blocks because its less than 1m from the boundary & 50mm bellow maximum height .Had to sacrifice pitch on the roof still thats another story rain still runs off and with the 5@225mm x 76mm main roof supports think its gonna be ok even if we manage a bit of snow.
anobium punctatum":3olhl7b3 said:
Thanks all for your comments , looks like work is on hold today the floor paint is still wet but i have an industrial heater out there as we speak 8) . No planning permission was required as its well below 50% of the area of garden more than 5m from the house and road ,built from blocks because its less than 1m from the boundary & 50mm bellow maximum height .Had to sacrifice pitch on the roof still thats another story rain still runs off and with the 5@225mm x 76mm main roof supports think its gonna be ok even if we manage a bit of snow.

Ahh, I thought you needed planning permission on any permenant structure in your garden. Clearly not.

Well, it looks superb, how long before you can actually start a project in it?

Very nice AP, especially the way you used the space. When do you expect to move in?
Offcut":3bgncw9s said:
No windows?Andy

I noticed that, but I took out my windows, partly for anti-buglary reasons but mostly as I needed the space on that wall. I've now fitted 3 sets of twin flourescent tubes to make it really bright.


Proper job. Makes a nice change to see a non-square workshop too; very distinctive. 8)


I don't have any windows either, but then I do have clear polycarbonate triple wall roofing instead. Windows would be a bit redundant! :lol:

Cheers, Alf
Movin in date ummm quite soon i hope should have been 2 months ago but works gettin in the way :lol: . No windows for security reasons and did not want too loose wall space .I have since painted the walls and ceiling white and installed hpf (high power fluro's) lighting is very bright indeed but have allowed extra wiring for spots if i feel i need them . The only thing you gotta watch on planning is ,dont take too many services in (just lecky) they take a dim view on water ,satellite dish,sewerage,telephone and the like they dont like to think you can turn it into an annex in a couple of hours after they leave .If in doubt about planning ring your local council mine were very helpful dont send emails they take too long to reply (8months and still waiting) .Just keep it simple and looking shed like inside (bit rough round the edges) . Cant wait to move in got tools in the dining room ,conservatory, spare bed 1 & 2 and a load in the loft .
Hello AP

Don't forget me if you have an housewarming party (live in Paignton) or if you get desparate can need help with a litlle bit of light loading.
DW ure more than welcome any time just bring a paint brush :lol: . Anyway just to keep you updated just put another picky in the slideshow , took it just before the second coat went on the floor (24hrs to dry :evil: ) so i spose it'll be sunday before i section off the end for a tool cupboard and start the benches , i plan on fixed benches down the right side and unfixed down the left with a small fixed bench for grinder,tormek and polisher but that seems a long way off its gonna take me a week or more to round up tools and equipment from round the house :shock: .
anobium punctatum":8nffyby9 said:
Anyway just to keep you updated just put another picky in the slideshow , took it just before the second coat went on the floor.
There was I, about to ask you at what point you'd realised you'd painted yourself into a corner, and then I read the "before"... :evil: :lol:

Red so as not to show the blood I assume? :D

Cheers, Alf
ALF wrote :
Red so as not to show the blood I assume?

How did you guess i was accident prone, the neck brace the last time you saw me was a bit of a giveaway :lol: . Still not got round to using those router bits :oops: that'll be a year on tools 2004 .
anobium punctatum":x68m8v53 said:
Alf":x68m8v53 said:
Red so as not to show the blood I assume?
How did you guess i was accident prone, the neck brace the last time you saw me was a bit of a giveaway :lol: .
Nah. Just wondered if it was the same reason I chose it... :wink:

anobium punctatum":x68m8v53 said:
Still not got round to using those router bits :oops: that'll be a year on tools 2004 .
Bit of a way to go before you beat my record for not using them though. :lol:

Cheers, Alf
forgot to mention i did finish the electrics before the second coat went on the floor i put 16a sockets c/w isolation swithes on a roof beam for saw table and pt so no trailing leads to the machines and with a few carefully placed hooks i should be able to reposition leads on the ceiling if they get in the way when doing any awkward projects .They are just visable on the last picture top n centre .
Yeah that looks smashing, whats going in the narrow pointy bit :wink:

WATER - Thats something i'd like to have in my workshop for cleaning glue brushes, making tea, coffee etc, and a nice sink. :D

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