Woodwork in the EVENING


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17 Jan 2021
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who does it?
I tend to find energy / time at weekend only but often think about doing it in the evening too... Never seem to manage it though 😃

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Im hoping to now, like said, when the evenings get a bit lighter. I recently completed a project for my wife so she can see that Im doing something useful!
I have done but mainly tasks that didn't involve a machine or power tool. It's a good opportunity to get parts assembled that need some gluing & clamping time for example.
Yep definitely, particularly in the winter when it’s too dark to be doing anything outside. Though judging by the WhatsApp photo I received at 1:22 this morning from a chap who’d just glued up a pedestal blank he wants turning I’m only playing at this evening woodwork thing :oops:
Definitely. Small simple projects that can be picked up and put down. I find that the hardest part is actually getting started. Once I do, the work day recedes and I get in to it, then realise it is nearly midnight :cool:
Yeah getting started is something I find hard. Sometimes its a lot to do with 'what' should I do, instead of 'how'.
With the shed now insulated with RW45 it’s warm enough and sound insulated enough to get some stuff done in the evenings, so last winter was the first time I’ve managed. No heavy machine work after 9pm but the odd table saw or bandsaw cut is also possible. Although, thinking, marking out, sanding and finishing are the preferred tasks with the radio on and a cup of tea.
In days of old, with young children and money short I did bespoke bits after a days teaching if I had the time. After my meal I'd think nothing of working till 9 or 10 at night if I was not making a noise. Now retired the habit has not died. If I realise a late glue-up or application of primer will me a full productive morning is possible next day I'll do the job.

With the shed now insulated with RW45 it’s warm enough and sound insulated enough to get some stuff done in the evenings, so last winter was the first time I’ve managed. No heavy machine work after 9pm but the odd table saw or bandsaw cut is also possible. Although, thinking, marking out, sanding and finishing are the preferred tasks with the radio on and a cup of tea.
that makes me really want to insulate the garage.
Another evening woodworker here. I rent a space a few miles down the road (not a suitable space at home yet, unfortunately) and I happily head down there 2/3 times a week. My day job is desk bound, and I find it much easier to focus on something physical later on. Plus I enjoy it, so I’m generally plenty motivated to go.
During the winter I do a woodwork evening class once a week. The last class for this winter was yesterday so I brought my unfinished project home. Next month sometime it should be light enough and warm enough in the evenings to continue work on it at home.
Not for me, my maker space time is generally between my work shifts, I usually finish at 11 so grab lunch and let the dogs out then I'll head out until I'm due back at work at 16:30 (although I usually get carried away and forget to check on the time and end up an hour or so late back to work, lucky I live on site 😁)
Opening up the mens shed from next week in evenings hopefully attract a few working chaps.
Growing up my dad and I regularly worked until after midnight on whatever was doing, a lot of woodwork but also fixing cars, welding stuff up etc etc. This was in a suburban garage - couldn't imagine doing that on my street now!