Good luck Mike! Simple wheels are really easy to do for your self on a lathe. Never tried them on the crudities of a hole saw and a drill, but it depends on what your end is I suppose?
I'm retired and have no reason to earn my living from what I make. So people ask and I say either yes or no. I love a challenge. One of the guys on the slippery turning forum came up with the idea of a lazy susan and came up with a lovely bit of kit. He used a bought jig, for a better discription, to make the balls. Me, being a glutton for punishment, have just done 36 X 5/8" balls by hand, no jig. That's how I am? I just love working on a lathe.
Thank you for the compliments on my toys. I have made 3 of the tractors, the first for me, second for one of my grandsons and the third for a commision. I am tempted to do another because I liked doing the other 3. My daze of Christmas fares went when we moved over 7 years back and I loved doing that too. I had an offer to do a craft market in Carcassonne every Sunday morning, but I can't be a r s e d... I like my retired life and there is just too much else to do, like take our lovely, old chokky lab for her walks!