Wine Butler

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Established Member
30 Aug 2015
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Knocked this up quickly as a last-minute xmas pressie request for someone's Mum.


Piece of old pine furniture, laser-print on glossy photo paper and iron-on.

Apparently, the person who requested it saw this photo and burst into tears ... Is it that bad? :-D

*** Gwin Mam = Welsh for 'Mum's Wine'... and her name is Enfys.

Font is 'Santa's Sleigh Full' which I think looks nice.
looks good, but who shares wine between 4 people. :) seems a bit of a waste. do you do one, with just a single glass? :)
beganasatree":5vaf7cs4 said:
I must try your way and transfer a photo.

That was my second attempt. The first one shifted and I had to re-sand and re-apply the transfer.

I've had some neat looking results, just use the glossiest glossy photo paper you can get and print at the blackest black you can print.

Don't forget to reverse the image first though ... DAMHIKT. :-D
I'd want some sort of syphon on that so it refills the glass each time I take a drink. :) otherwise it's not a glass, it's a funnel. lol
... and another one.

I hate this iron-on method, it's always too hit-and-miss.

Another nice one Naz.
I would like to see the details burnt on as I am not a fan of iron-on transfer. What size is finished wood ?

take care
Don W
Just a little bit under 9'' x 4'' (but not as much as ¼''under - yeah, random, eh?)
OK, thanks. I've been thinking about a laser printer for some time now (apart from anything else, if not used regularly, the ink jet cartridges start to dry up) so I guess it's time to bite that particular bullet.


I used to have an inkjet with 6 separate colours and black... what a flippin' nightmare. One or more of the inks was always empty or dry.

Got a mono laser and never looked back (Samsung Xpress M2022).
Yep, the glossiest photo paper you can.

The stuff I have here is 'HP Premium Photo Paper'

I use a clothes-iron on the hottest setting.

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