Wich mitre saw to buy ?


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11 Nov 2012
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I am new to the forum and a newbie metalworker hobbist :)

Recently I bought my first tools including a bench drill (Einhel BT-BD 501) and now I am looking for a mitre saw.
My needs, so far, is to straight cut 10mm - 30mm steel bars so obviously I am not looking for a very powerful and professional mitre saw but for something small and good quality.

So... I am waiting for your suggestions.

Thank you
I would have thought either a Makita cut-off saw; the type that takes an abrasive blade, or an Evolution mitre saw, which takes a more 'woodie' TCT style blade. The Evolution may not quite be the same quality, but I think they are well thought of, and it will cut proper mitres, whereas I am not sure the cut-off saws will.



PS - 20 - 30mm steel bars? I would think the Makita cut off.
Thank you for your reply Neil

I was searching online at a few local shops here in Greece and I saw the EINHELL BT-MC 355 (price: €131) and the MAKTEC BY MAKITA MT240 (price: €180).
Both saws are 2000 Watts and they have the same disk diameter (355mm).
I also find the Evolution Rage 2 at the price of €340 which is very high for me...
Should I go for the Makita ? The Einhel is cheaper but what about the wobble ?

Thank you
HI mate
First let me say that there are many folk here with more knowledge than I on this subject. But, FWIW you need to check whether the Maktec will cut angles, in other words will the blade cant, and whether you need this feature. Then you can make an informed decision. From the info you gave me it looks like it will cut a 45' mitre, but not cant. So you can cut mitres, but not compound mitres. I would guess this might be enough.
The Maktec is a makita made machine, I believe it is a discontinued line, when they bring out a new tool the old one is rebranded Maktec and continues to be sold. So, a good solid machine, I would expect.
There are videos online showing the maktec; what do you think.


Thanks again Neil

I think I will go for the Makita-Mactec but I dont know how stable is it. How much wobble-play it has?
If someone has this tool, or any other simular to this, it will be a very big help to tell me about it.

Thank you
Hello again
As far as wobble/play is concerned I would say it should have none. I think it is fair to expect relatively good degrees of engineering for that sort of money, although there will be a bit of difference between one and another ; perhaps get a look at the one you are gonna buy, if possible, before picking. You do understand that this saw will only really be of use for cutting metal or plastics, not wood. Whereas the Evo would cut wood as well, but to my mind would not be such a good machine. If I was going to be cutting a lot of metal, as you seem to be doing, then I would go for the abrasive wheel cut-off saw by MakTec.
You should be able to get some sort of no quibble warranty/guarantee which you should take full advanteg of if you find any play in the blade. The way to check this is to look carefully, and safely, at the blade head on (looking straight onto it so it looks skinny) and run the machine. Any serious play will be fairly evident. Alternatively another way, without an expensive engineering gauge, is to make a cut at 90', then flip the material and see if it butts up perfectly to the blade. Then again at 45'. This should suffice.

Again, hope this helps


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