Established Member
..…. do “they” think differently to “us”?
Yeah, I’ve heard about “Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars” and all that old malarkey, but still …..
…. here’s a typical example.
About a couple of weeks ago I’m driving SWMBO in my car (unusual that). We’re looking for some items she needed for a craft project. Quite happily (honest!), I told her that I was quite OK for her to take as long as she needed, and that I thought that she MAY find what she was looking for in either Shop A, or perhaps B or even C, but that I wasn’t sure. If none of those 3 then it would definitely be off to the big city. Also quite OK by me.
We tried both Shops A & B with no luck, but before leaving B I also said thatI’s forgotten, and there was just a slim possibility that the Store X might have what she was looking for. So did she want to try X before we went to C, because X is more or less on the way to C?
No answer from SWMBO apart from a mumbled “maybe” (I think that’s what it was anyway).
So we set off for C, which (of course!) is on the other side of town. On the way to C, by now we’re in a 2 lane road tunnel.
I’m doing exactly 80 Kmph, which is the legal limit –
{mental note to self: Must write an open letter to all car manufacturers – all future models MUST have the instrument binnacle sufficiently offset towards the driver so that the front seat passenger cannot read the speedo, thus saving many fruitless arguments. Important safety measure}.
- but back to my tale of woe.
I’m in the LH (fast) lane of the tunnel (we drive on the wrong side here, don’t forget), I’m right ON the limit remember, and someone’s coming up pretty fast behind me in the RH (exit) lane, when she suddenly says “Well, Store X is pretty much on the way to C, and MAYBE they have got what I need”.
“So do you want to try Store X then?” asks I. “Not sure” she says “They probably wouldn’t have what I need anyway”.
By now the bloke coming up in the turn off lane is more than close inside/behind us, and if we ARE going to X, then we’ll need that turn off lane too – and it it’s certainly not very far ahead now either.
“Is that a Yes or a No then?” asks I. “Uhhhhhhmmmmm” says she.
“Dearest (or words to that effect!), do we turn off now, or not please?" says I. "Why can't you answer with a simple Yes or No?".
“What is this? A court of Law? I’ve already said so!” she replies.
Well I just give up! I floor it, get us into the RH exit lane OK, and without disturbing the idiot behind us (just), and soon we’ve arrive at Store X. She disappears inside, leaving me “parked” outside on a double yellow line.
After at least 25 minutes waiting (‘onest injuns, I timed it, believe me!) she comes out of X clutching a large bag and with a big smile all over her face. NO words at all about me waiting on yellow lines, but she DID say …..
“I was right. They’re really helpful people in there and they had exactly what I needed. Not as expensive as I thought either”.
As they say where I originally come from - “Gordon Bennett! Would you ADAM and EVE it?”
But don’t get me wrong please.
My SWMBO is lovely really - she really is. And she supports me in all this workshopping lark that I get up to (AND she bought me an Excali Scroll saw for my birthday last April, which counts for a lot I can tell you – most expensive single tool I’ve ever had for hobbying).
BUT ….. I really DDDDOOOOO so wish that at least sometimes, “they” could think just a bit more like “us” – especially when it comes to answering questions and making decisions!
Happy Christmas all.

Yeah, I’ve heard about “Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars” and all that old malarkey, but still …..
…. here’s a typical example.
About a couple of weeks ago I’m driving SWMBO in my car (unusual that). We’re looking for some items she needed for a craft project. Quite happily (honest!), I told her that I was quite OK for her to take as long as she needed, and that I thought that she MAY find what she was looking for in either Shop A, or perhaps B or even C, but that I wasn’t sure. If none of those 3 then it would definitely be off to the big city. Also quite OK by me.
We tried both Shops A & B with no luck, but before leaving B I also said thatI’s forgotten, and there was just a slim possibility that the Store X might have what she was looking for. So did she want to try X before we went to C, because X is more or less on the way to C?
No answer from SWMBO apart from a mumbled “maybe” (I think that’s what it was anyway).
So we set off for C, which (of course!) is on the other side of town. On the way to C, by now we’re in a 2 lane road tunnel.
I’m doing exactly 80 Kmph, which is the legal limit –
{mental note to self: Must write an open letter to all car manufacturers – all future models MUST have the instrument binnacle sufficiently offset towards the driver so that the front seat passenger cannot read the speedo, thus saving many fruitless arguments. Important safety measure}.
- but back to my tale of woe.
I’m in the LH (fast) lane of the tunnel (we drive on the wrong side here, don’t forget), I’m right ON the limit remember, and someone’s coming up pretty fast behind me in the RH (exit) lane, when she suddenly says “Well, Store X is pretty much on the way to C, and MAYBE they have got what I need”.
“So do you want to try Store X then?” asks I. “Not sure” she says “They probably wouldn’t have what I need anyway”.
By now the bloke coming up in the turn off lane is more than close inside/behind us, and if we ARE going to X, then we’ll need that turn off lane too – and it it’s certainly not very far ahead now either.
“Is that a Yes or a No then?” asks I. “Uhhhhhhmmmmm” says she.
“Dearest (or words to that effect!), do we turn off now, or not please?" says I. "Why can't you answer with a simple Yes or No?".
“What is this? A court of Law? I’ve already said so!” she replies.
Well I just give up! I floor it, get us into the RH exit lane OK, and without disturbing the idiot behind us (just), and soon we’ve arrive at Store X. She disappears inside, leaving me “parked” outside on a double yellow line.
After at least 25 minutes waiting (‘onest injuns, I timed it, believe me!) she comes out of X clutching a large bag and with a big smile all over her face. NO words at all about me waiting on yellow lines, but she DID say …..
“I was right. They’re really helpful people in there and they had exactly what I needed. Not as expensive as I thought either”.
As they say where I originally come from - “Gordon Bennett! Would you ADAM and EVE it?”
But don’t get me wrong please.
My SWMBO is lovely really - she really is. And she supports me in all this workshopping lark that I get up to (AND she bought me an Excali Scroll saw for my birthday last April, which counts for a lot I can tell you – most expensive single tool I’ve ever had for hobbying).
BUT ….. I really DDDDOOOOO so wish that at least sometimes, “they” could think just a bit more like “us” – especially when it comes to answering questions and making decisions!
Happy Christmas all.