Which Router Table ?


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I've recently been looking at getting a quality router table to replace my now shabby home made one.
My shortlist is:
1) JessEm table with RoutRLift - from Rutlands.co.uk
2) Record Power RPMS-R
3) Ryobi RT-6000
Anyone have any comments / suggestions on these ?
I don't really have any experience with router tables yet. But I would go fot the Jessem Router Lift one from Rutlands. I've seen thoose in action and they really do make quick, easy and accurate work of setting the cutter.
I agree with James, the JessEm table does look good.

But to be honest I would rather build one then spend that kind of money on one.

If I remember correctly the ryobi was the one Woodcut (RIP) used to sell which I saw at their show once.

Have you seen the CMT table Axminster sell?
Just looked at the Ryobi table on the web. It looks exactly like the woodcut one that I bought 2nd hand on eBay, but still have in pieces at the back of my garage. :oops: Fortunatlely I bought a Ryobi 601 router for it, quite by conincidence :D
Hi screwloose,

I don't know much about router tables, as mind is home made from plans from the new Yankee Workshop and it works a treat, if you want a copy of the set of plans let me know.

Have you tried Axminster, they were selling a Bosch router table for half price at £64.95p order code RT60. I don't know how good the table is, but it might be worth looking at, most Bosch stuff is pretty good, it looks good from the picture.

I hope that this helps and good luck
sawblade, i would be very interested in a set of plans for the NY router table, prehaps we could do a swap, i collect the timelife woodworking collection that are full of plans.... any that you want?
Thanks all for your advice.
Having checked out ALOT of router tables, I've opted for the Record Power RPMS-R. I wanted something really sturdy and made of metal.
It cost just under £280 (inc VAT) but looks and feels like it will last for a long time.
It's not on the Record Power website yet, but is in the showrooms of a few dealers and looks similar to the Ryobi RT6000.
Although it doesn't have the height adjustment of the Rout-R-Lift, I'll adapt the system on my old home made table (comprising the guides and screw of a big metalworking vice and 2 big springs to compensate for the router being upside down).
It arrives on Tuesday... I hope.
Hi stevenprigg,

No problem, if you can email me on [email protected] with your address, I will send you a copy as soon as I can get to the Co-op as they have a photocopier. I could do it on my scanner, but it will only be A4 size, which will be a bit small, the Co-op will be A3 size which will be much better.
Thanks for the offer on the Timelife plans, I may well take you up on that, although I have no idea what plans they have, perhaps you could let me know what they have on offer. The wife fancies a 4 poster bed, do they have anyhting like that, but not to complicated, I don't waht to spend months making it, spare time in very limited.
Sorry I could not reply before, but this site went down and that settled it till today.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Your offer of plans has drawn me out of Lurkerdom.

I just bought the DeWalt625 at the Ally Pally show, and now need to build the table to put it in.

If you can scan the drawings, an electronic copy woul dbe most appreciated. I have emailed you my address off of this forum.

Anybody, have any experience with this router, good or bad that they are willing to share.

Hi Bone,

I can do you a copy as well at the same time. I think though it would be best to send you a copy in the post, if I scan them, my experiance of sending them this way, will take for ever and a day to send.
Can't help you with the DeWalt router, I don't have one, but I wish you well with it and hope it meets with all your exspectations.

Hi folks

I just thought I'd post a reminder that it's possible to send each other private messages on this forum.

Since one or two people are exchanging documentation which might be copyrighted, private messaging could be a more appropriate medium. Of course, I realise that it's just a friendly bit of "swappsies" between individuals and nothing sinister :wink: , but I'm sure nobody wants to send out the wrong signals publicly.

No criticism intended, just trying to be helpful 8).


Hi GillD,

That's a good point and one I will remember, I forgot about the private emailing, we don't want to get into trouble do we.
many. many thanxs for the plans you sent me, I have researched my library of material and found some plans for an oak bed, its not 4 poster (like you want) but is mighty nice.

I`ll stuff it in the post to you asap, next month (I think ) is the "bedroom furniture" addition of the time -life book series I get, theres bound to be a bed in there, so again as soon as I get it, I`ll photocopy it and send it off to you.

again, many thanks

you`re both kind and generous :D
I have the DeWalt 625E Router and it is one mighty fine tool.I don't get as much use as I would like out of it as most of my work is rough and ready first and second fix joinery rather than one off detailed projects but it stands up to any task without a problem.As with any router though the finish is only as good as the Bit you use so my advice is buy the best you can afford and you will find it pays you back in the long run.

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