Unfortunately there's a bit more to it than just replacing cells size for size, unless the cells are identical.
First the obvious, cell size must be the same,as must be be the chemical composition, fortunately in all power tools , the size in question is always "sub C" unfortunately these are also used for other applications than just power tools. same size cells must also be same configuration, that is high density (Ah) and high discharge, this makes them a bit special.
Less high spec cells, of the same size, can indeed be replaced, but the performance of these will both likely be woeful and short lived. Another thing, Makita Battery packs normally include a heat sensitive diode in the matrix, without this included in the rebuild, the packs can, and often do, explode whilst being charged.
Better in reality to buy after market replacement packs, these can provide a guarantee, if you shop around.
By the way, I used to own a co. (Energen AH) to build replacement power tool battery packs, Makita ni-cads were one of the most regular ones I worked on.
If you wish to PM me with the model No. Chemistry etc. of the Makitas you have, I'll do my best to find you a good deal...bosshogg
I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.
Albert Einstein 8)