When does direct (e)mail go too far


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26 Dec 2017
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United Kingdom
Writing this in a surge of irritation :-(
I occasionally buy online from FFX. Generally found them competitive and reliable enough that I registered on their site for promotional emails.
Today they crossed the line.
After browsing their Easter promotions and leaving the site without buying anything I received a nag email featuring a product i'd looked at with a huge banner "FORGOTTEN SOMETHING ?"

Cheeky s*ds ! Chasing a sale like that is a step far too far.
I've just unsubscribed from their lists and hope that the peasant in sales and marketing that thought this was OK gets sacked !

Are there any other companies that I should avoid favouring with my business :)
Sideways":giz73i4w said:
Are there any other companies that I should avoid favouring with my business :)

All of them. :) welcome to the new world order, where direct marketing is the only way. as to the irk in marketing, he doesn't exist, he is just a series of ones and zeros in someones porn watching box.
I am sadly disappointed how many organisations using direct marketing methods like this hammer you with an excessive stream of invitations and reminders once you hand over any contact details. These folk are usually pretty well clued up so they must have run the numbers and decided that they get or value more success in the short term before they drive customers away, than if they treat us right and keep us longer.
The campaigning outfit 38degrees are apalling for this. Stay away !

Kudos to the ones who get the balance right, but I'll not pollute any names by mentioning good guys in the same thead as the bad.

...makes me think that if this new GDPR regulation tightens up on behaviour, then it's welcome.
Seems like quite an overreaction to me. You've registered with them, you've purchased from them, and you've browsed products on their site.

Why such a hoo haa about a known and legit site emailing you a follow up? I guessing it's just one, not not 10 per day?
Every time I visit FFX I get an email saying

"We noticed you were browsing our store and wondered if you needed any help with anything?"

Along with links to the items I looked at.

It's only one click to delete it, so it's no bother. If I wasn't so lazy I would do the three clicks it takes to set my email system to delete it on the server before I ever see it.
MattRoberts":2uzdsxxs said:
Seems like quite an overreaction to me. You've registered with them, you've purchased from them, and you've browsed products on their site.

Why such a hoo haa about a known and legit site emailing you a follow up? I guessing it's just one, not not 10 per day?

It's an interesting observation. I guess like intrusions into personal space we all form our own judgement of what we'll tolerate in different settings.
To me this was "univited" and ill judged. Not to be encouraged at all. My tolerance is obviously lower than yours, no harm no foul, this is how you get to find out you're in a minority :D
Sideways":21myu9e4 said:
MattRoberts":21myu9e4 said:
Seems like quite an overreaction to me. You've registered with them, you've purchased from them, and you've browsed products on their site.

Why such a hoo haa about a known and legit site emailing you a follow up? I guessing it's just one, not not 10 per day?

It's an interesting observation. I guess like intrusions into personal space we all form our own judgement of what we'll tolerate in different settings.
To me this was "univited" and ill judged. Not to be encouraged at all. My tolerance is obviously lower than yours, no harm no foul, this is how you get to find out you're in a minority :D
A very generous comment, you might just want to check out some of the previous posts of said gentleman.........!!
To be fair it's no real bother just deleting the email. Try going on the Felder website, if you've already bought something from them, and they have your contact details snared. I guarantee you'll get a phone call off 'your rep' within the hour :lol:.

Strangely you don't get too many calls when the machine you ordered is a month late on delivery.
Oh no! Got one from Axy now

"Joseph, did you see anything that you liked?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, or if you have any
questions, we're here to help"

I don't mind the odd email trying to drum up trade, but I don't want one of these emails from every site I vist that I have bought from in the past!
Sideways":355v2lpr said:
It's an interesting observation. I guess like intrusions into personal space we all form our own judgement of what we'll tolerate in different settings.
To me this was "univited" and ill judged. Not to be encouraged at all. My tolerance is obviously lower than yours, no harm no foul, this is how you get to find out you're in a minority :D

Who knows - I could be the minority! :D

I don't however consider my email to be personal space - far from it! ;)
I do find it quite irritating though. Everyday you can get unsolicited sales and marketing phone calls, all sorts of carp in the post mysteriously addressed to you personally but when you try to make a phone call, say on behalf of an elderly neighbour to help them out with a query or something, you get hit with this wall of data protection nonsense and not being able to speak to you.
I suspect if you logged out of your account and only logged in when you were going to buy somehting the emails would stop.
ScaredyCat":3byj9quw said:
I suspect if you logged out of your account and only logged in when you were going to buy somehting the emails would stop.

It wouldn't, I wasn't logged into my accounts at FFX or Axy at the time. If you want the emails to stop then you have to find the cookie they leave on your computer and delete it. Then delete it every time you log into your account, because they will leave a new one each time.
Sideways":1zz7e8yy said:
Writing this in a surge of irritation :-(
I occasionally buy online from FFX. Generally found them competitive and reliable enough that I registered on their site for promotional emails.
Today they crossed the line.
After browsing their Easter promotions and leaving the site without buying anything I received a nag email featuring a product i'd looked at with a huge banner "FORGOTTEN SOMETHING ?"

Cheeky s*ds ! Chasing a sale like that is a step far too far.
I've just unsubscribed from their lists and hope that the peasant in sales and marketing that thought this was OK gets sacked !

Are there any other companies that I should avoid favouring with my business :)

1st world problems, eh?