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Aragorn i just finished my new 3 man bunker with tea making facilities room if you need it :lol:
Aww lovely. I'll bring the scones :D Who's going to make up the three?
Alf's got a wicked sense of humour and a very large collection of planes :wink:
Hi Adam

thomaskennedy":2di1p7tz said:
asleitch----LOL :lol: actually i was thinking of buying one but have been advised not to!

Please be assured that this is nothing to do with me.


anobium punctatum":2di1p7tz said:
Aragorn i just finished my new 3 man bunker with tea making facilities room if you need it :lol:

Can I join you please?

I have not finished the new workshop yet and it looks like i have to extend the bunker first :lol: did i mention it has an ensuite 8)
thomaskennedy":h81vhhj1 said:
asleitch----LOL :lol:

actually i was thinking of buying one but have been advised not to!

Well, I'll advise that you do buy one, that way you're back to neutral and can decide yourself. Compacting several (actually lots) of previous threads, as you are quite young, and don't have any pre-concieved ideas about making joints, I think a woodrat could be ideal. It's very versatile and compact.


PS: ALF - I finally used it to make some dowels at the weekend - and also to reduce some 28mm dowel to 25mm diameter. I was pleasantly surprised how well it managed it. I only have a 25mm drill bit! I did have to make a couple of jigs to go in either clamp, but they took less than 10 minutes. Genuinely surprised it worked as I thought it was just part of Godfrey singing it's praises, but remembered Mike Humphrey telling me he had down it very successfully. Anyway, it worked for me.
asleitch":ra9cmh6l said:
PS: ALF - I finally used it to make some dowels at the weekend <snip>
You're a better man than me then, Gunga Din. I tried it once, remembered all the terrible injuries they used to get from the splinters in the days of the Wooden Walls (Nelson and all that jazz) and decided discretion (and a dowel plate) was the better part of valour. :oops:

I dunno chaps, if we all end up in bunkers we're going to have to re-name this forum UK Troglodytes... :lol:

Cheers, Alf

P.S. AP, en-suite what? Workshop I presume? :wink:

anobium punctatum":363wzl9f said:
I have not finished the new workshop yet and it looks like i have to extend the bunker first :lol: did i mention it has an ensuite 8)

Methinks it will be a long hard winter. :wink:

Hi folks

Taking this thread even further off topic, has anyone seen a poly-tunnel type of greenhouse flying across the Midlands recently? Unfortunately, those strong winds at the weekend took their toll on my gardening aspirations :( .

So now the tally is two workshop roofs (complete), one workshop roof (partial) and a greenhouse. I'm gloating, though, because a new aluminium greenhouse arrived this morning - now all I need is for His Lordship to assemble it. Tips, anyone?

Thank goodness my little pied-a-terre bunker remains intact. There's barely enough room for Saddam Hussein but I'm not fiddling with it in case the wind blows the roof off that, too. Incidentally, nobody's allowed to eat baked beans in my bunker.


Just as well on the Baked bean front Gill, or else you will surely loose YAR :eek:

GillD":3fybbuvh said:
new aluminium greenhouse arrived this morning - now all I need is for His Lordship to assemble it. Tips, anyone?

Use copper grease on all the nuts and bolts, and should you ever need to dissamble it, you might have a fighting chance.

Based on your recent experiences - bolting it down comes to mind?

And angling it so the reflections of the glass/plastic? don't shine directly into the back windows of the house when in full sunshine?

Warning the neighbours football playing children?

Hi Gill

What about bribery? Works for me every time. :oops:

When HWMBO completes said greenhouse you could offer to pay for him to see his favourite football/rugby/cricket team.

Or, even better, let him buy some more tools for himself. :wink:

Hey Neil,

Any update on the SS yet?


Hi Noel

Noely":30j1hd5j said:
Hey Neil, Any update on the SS yet? Rgds Noel

I am waiting for the Midlands show 24'ish April as it is only 50 miles away from me. They always give you 5% and 15 pounds delivery so it is a bit of a saving. By the time of the show I hope to have everything ready. The only question I have now is with regard to the flooring and whether I put a ply floor down. I'm concerned about the weight but speaking to Adam he seems to think it will be ok.

Which jointer are you after Noel, is it the 54 or the 60? I would love the 60 but I am concerned about space. We haven't all got the wonderful space that you have. Me, jealous, never. :wink:

All the best
Hi Gill

It's 7.18 and I've just seen a poly-tunnel type of greenhouse flying past my window. Does it belong to anyone you know? :wink:

6 "er Neil. Don't really need the 8"er, canny wait. And a free baseball cap too....


Hi Noel

Noely":2jpee8zt said:
6 "er Neil. Don't really need the 8"er, canny wait. And a free baseball cap too.... Rgds Noel

The reason for the 60 is that there is always something you want to do that is just that little bit wider and you also get a more powerful motor. However, whichever one I end up with the finish will be excellent.

I'd prefer the deal where I buy a baseball cap and get a free jointer. :wink:

Yes, you could always Ebay the cap with a reserve of £700.....



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