What power screwdriver bits.


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I am with wizer on this

Don't stop progress

Philips / Pozidrive had its best time

Now its Torx

I was bringing Torx srews over from germany already 5 years ago, when hardware stores had never heard of Torx (worked in Germany from monday to Friday)

So stop the discussion about bits and which drill etc, etc, just buy torx and you never look back

but that is my opinion

Torx or square drive end cam out completely, but they are so much more fiddly to locate the bit in, that if you have load to drive it is irritatingly
slow by comparison. Pozi makes it more mindless and quick.

He do not confuse square with Torx, that is a complete different world US vs europe

torx fit always, YOU NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER have to look how you put them on, you probably have never used or seem them, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a comment, I have done over 100.000 torx and never found it fiddly or slow

sorry for the rant
I've always bought my spax screws from Axi. Is there a better/more cost effective supplier? I don't mind buying bulk
that thing you only use when doing dry-wall screws, so to stop you from driving them in to far. just a little idiot proof tool :wink:
Mcluma":3swrxxyg said:
that thing you only use when doing dry-wall screws, so to stop you from driving them in to far. just a little idiot proof tool :wink:

I should have given one to the builders that built our extension. I would have bought them one each at £1.76 a piece.
WiZeR":32lmp1kz said:
I've always bought my spax screws from Axi. Is there a better/more cost effective supplier? I don't mind buying bulk

Rutlands are selling SPAX screws at 15% off currently (here in their sale section). I did a quick check just now to see that they are still reduced but I didn't check whether they are Torx head or Posidrive.

From that quick check, I think their prices on the Wiha Dura bits might be cheaper than Axminster too.
Mcluma":3fzfbkvr said:
He do not confuse square with Torx, that is a complete different world US vs europe

I'm not confusing them - I'm discussing them both.

torx fit always, YOU NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER have to look how you put them on, you probably have never used or seem them, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a comment,

Errr, I have, or I wouldn't have said it. Are you claiming they are as self-locating as Pozi - 'cos if so, if it wasn't an idiotic accusation, I'd say you'd never used Pozi.

I have done over 100.000 torx and never found it fiddly or slow

Well done. I find Pozi much easier. Torx is, whatever you say, a much more direct interface (which is an advantage, and a disadvantage)

sorry for the rant

You go right ahead. Foaming at the mouth is a sign of rabies, btw.
I usually buy Reisser screws in a metal assortment case from Howdens for about £30-£35 if I need other screws for a job I pick up some spax screws by size as needed I never use silver screws they always cam out.

The bits I use are the gold pozi's either Wiha or Screwfix use to do 50 gold bits in a bulk pack no brand name but they have been good.

We have been trying out some new screws that come with a bit , they are like Phillips but with a square drive centre. They are pretty good but the bit wears out quick then starts to slip.

I have been reading the entries and wanted to clarify something;

Hammer action, as i understand it, is when the drill bit is driven in and out
(striking action back and forth in the direction the drill is facing)

Impact drivers, on the other hand, have a striking action which is rotary, in other words it sort of 'taps' the screw home in an action following the turn of the screw.

Kinda hard to explain, but there is a very pronounced difference between the two. I have an impact driver, in fact I have two, and they are great. The only problem is that it's TOO powerful sometimes.


Cheers then

(ps, torx screws are pretty unnecessary with an impact driver, but they DO have more points for the bit to drive, so in theory they are probly better)
chippy1970":28ml2u1g said:
I usually buy Reisser screws in a metal assortment case from Howdens for about £30-£35 if I need other screws for a job I pick up some spax screws by size as needed I never use silver screws they always cam out.

The bits I use are the gold pozi's either Wiha or Screwfix use to do 50 gold bits in a bulk pack no brand name but they have been good.

We have been trying out some new screws that come with a bit , they are like Phillips but with a square drive centre. They are pretty good but the bit wears out quick then starts to slip.

I'll second the commendation for Reisser , I don't use Spax much as I can't find a decent bulk price :(

I've also tried those robertson/phillips hybrids (can't remember the name)
they're not quite the quality of Reisser and the supplied bits are really soft

If you can imagine this, Lee Valley of Canada sells three profiles of bits that are impregnated with diamond dust. The diamond bites into the relatively soft surface of the screw head and fixes the bit firmly.

Since they are so cheap, and light to ship, expense is minimal. Go to www.leevalley.com and type in item number 19J30.4

Available in straight blade, Posidrive and Phillips.

Gary Curtis
Northern California
Another vote for torx screws here.

I use Assy screws from Winzer Wurth

The are absolutely superb to use, and you never get any cam-out or slippage. The torx system is far superior to either Phillips or Pozi as virtually no pressure is required to drive the screw in. The screw pulls itself into the wood!

The angles of a Phillips or Pozi bit mean that constant pressure has to be applied otherwise the bit will slip out.

The other great thing about the Assy screws is that they are self piloting. I have used them within 10mm of the end of a solid maple worktop with no pilot hole and they went straight in without splitting the wood!

salvage":j4vqt3cq said:
I don't use Spax much as I can't find a decent bulk price :(

I'm not sure if this would fit your needs, but Rutlands are selling what they describe as "3100 Spax 3 New Generation universal screws over fifteen sizes" here for £51 including a case.
Jake":1pmmfq7n said:
Mcluma":1pmmfq7n said:
sorry for the rant

You go right ahead. Foaming at the mouth is a sign of rabies, btw.

Firstly absolutely no need for this comment, totaly uncalled for and not in its place.

Jake":1pmmfq7n said:
Mcluma":1pmmfq7n said:

torx fit always, YOU NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER have to look how you put them on, you probably have never used or seem them, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a comment,

Errr, I have, or I wouldn't have said it. Are you claiming they are as self-locating as Pozi - 'cos if so, if it wasn't an idiotic accusation, I'd say you'd never used Pozi.

This to other members of this forum, but i completely fail to see how it is possible for a torx not to fit, it is a round hole, by your comment i note that you are clearly confusing torx bits with something else

Jake":1pmmfq7n said:
Mcluma":1pmmfq7n said:
I have done over 100.000 torx and never found it fiddly or slow

Well done. I find Pozi much easier. Torx is, whatever you say, a much more direct interface (which is an advantage, and a disadvantage).

If you find pozi earier, ok, but please do not make a statement as that they are better of whatever, cause they are not,

first there was flatbet, then philips then pozi, now torx, and somewhere in between we had square (but we try to forget about that :lol: )
Mcluma":1a560k70 said:
Firstly absolutely no need for this comment, totaly uncalled for and not in its place.

Hey, you got personal first with your ranting, accusing me of making stuff up and so on. At least mine was just a joke!

This to other members of this forum, but i completely fail to see how it is possible for a torx not to fit, it is a round hole, by your comment i note that you are clearly confusing torx bits with something else

Nope, you're just missing the point - whether deliberately or not. Of course they fit, but there's a narrower angle of entry which = slower. If you are driving one or two it makes no difference.

If you find pozi earier, ok, but please do not make a statement as that they are better of whatever, cause they are not,

I think Pozi is better, sorry if that offends you. They don't cam out with an impact driver, so the real trade-off is a few extra shredded bits (with Pozi) versus enough extra care with torx to slow things down when driving things in bulk and at awkard angles, etc. You seem to have a problem with my opinion, but that's your issue.

first there was flatbet, then philips then pozi, now torx, and somewhere in between we had square (but we try to forget about that :lol: )

I'd agree with that (especially relegating square to the worst-ever corner), but I don't find Torx improves aspects which it is necessary to improve, and does so by compromising ease of location, a bit. Obviously it has more ultimate driving power, but I don't find that necessary - even with 6 x 180 screws, PZ3 is fine. Over that size, the fasteners I use are hex headed.
I would like to thank you all for your comments.

I have bought a small box of Spax screws, and some Wera bits. I'll just have to see how it goes.

Thanks again everyone.