What are the definitive smells of the 70s?


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I spent a lot of time hassling the joiners in my Dads workshop next to our house as a kid in the 60’s/70’s, so have memories of wood, Evo-Stik, and Swarfega!
In France there is a company called 'Ynsect' which raises larvae of crickets to use as food. This is much more efficient than raising cows or pigs and uses much less land.
They have cockroach farms in China to supply the traditional medicine market
70's patchouli..and various "leb" ,-)
60's there was a maggot farm ( dead animals laid out in a field ( above a railway tunnel ) with plastic bags and tarps on them.The rain which fell on them and the field used to leach down into the tunnel roof, which the train we used to get to school used to stop in ( with the lights off ) when the signals were against it, the smell was absolutely appalling , everyone gagging.Ultra concentrated "decomp".Then there was the brewery in the school town a bit further along the line, horribly sickly smell of it working, no nice beer smell at all, pervaded the whole town for days on end.West Midlands UK.
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mwinfrance, which part of the west midlands was the maggot farm. It used to cost me a lot of my pocket money for my bait maggots, if I'd known about the maggot farm I'd have been round for some "free samples" and so would a good many more kids besides. Can you remember about when this farm was in business?
for me Brut 33, Palma violet at my nans, the smell of Spangles as you opened the wrapper and boiling mince and onion
Oakengates ,which I think has been absorbed into Telford by now, I knew it in the mid 1960's, it had been going since at least WW2.Oakengates station had a long tunnel immediately before you arrived at the platform if you were arriving from the Shifnal side. The maggot farm was on the land above the tunnel.Brewery was at Wellington , next stop along after New Hadley Halt.

50s,60s and 70s the smell of my Grandad's ( in Ireland ) pipe tobacco.

The Afghan coats didn't all smell ( I had many ), usually the ones that were all white on the outside with black fur inside didn't, but they were more expensive and fitted better, never seen an Afghani wearing one , then or now.I wonder if they were maybe from another "stan" in that area ?
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mwinfrance, oakengates, too far for me to ride from Bilston on my pushbike and I certainly couldnt afford the train fare even for free maggots lol. Was the brewery WEM?
Wrekin Ales IIRC..I remember there being a good market at Bilston :) Depending on exactly where you were your nearest station might have been something called Birches and Bilbrook ? There used to be a "head shop" ( near the entrance in Wolvo' called ) "My people were fair and had sky in their hair" in Wolverhampton town centre concrete shopping monstrosity. Bostin our kid it were ! Attracted some lovely girls.

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