What a numpty!


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Established Member
10 Oct 2008
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St. Ives, Cornwall
I love using chisels by hand. I often pare away sliver by sliver when I really should de-bulk first.

However, I find that I cut myself. No, not that way!

As I push the chisel with my right hand, I let it slide along the outside of my left index finger. The side of the chisel then makes loads of small, shallow cuts in the skin and occasionally, a deep one!

Now, is this beacuse I am a numpty or is it a "known hazard"?
PerranOak":1sed43vp said:
I love using chisels by hand. I often pare away sliver by sliver when I really should de-bulk first.

However, I find that I cut myself. No, not that way!

As I push the chisel with my right hand, I let it slide along the outside of my left index finger. The side of the chisel then makes loads of small, shallow cuts in the skin and occasionally, a deep one!

Now, is this beacuse I am a numpty or is it a "known hazard"?

Known hazard. The gentlest of rubs with a stone should blunt the arris enough for your comfort. Don't remove too much!

As bugbear says, but I leave an inch or so sharp towards the front, as your fingers will not be there when paring and it should give a sharper corner on your chisels. It really only needs a few strokes of a slip stone or diamond hone to soften these edges.
I had this problem using Bahco (sp?) bevel edge chisel, every time I used them I ended up with blood on the wood and just didn't realize how sharp the arises were down both sides of the chisel blade. But a quick rub with some emery tape soon cured the problem.
Agree...a few light passes with a very fine stone removes the arris (need to do mine though :oops: ) - Rob
I had that problem with a Bahco, got a little one for paring dovetails and kept slicing my hand
This makes me feel a lot better. I have been leaving blobs of red all over the place when practising with my newish LN paring chisels. Thought I must be doing it all wrong, probably am but at least I am not alone in slicing and dicing my fingers! Note to self - get one of the Charlesworth DVDs, at least then I will still have the cut up fingers but will be satisfied I am probably cutting them up correctly :D
DC covers this issue in his fourth video. As the guys above have said, the advice is to give it a few light strokes to increase the radius after polishing the back of the blade. I use the end of a nagura stone, since it never comes into contact with anything else and is fine enough that you won't go too far.