Wet Stone Grinder


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Established Member
13 Jul 2016
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I have had a Jet wet stone grinder (Tormek look alike) for nearly 20 years and the rubber tyre on the friction drive wheel has parted. The tyre is not listed separately on the parts list so it looks as if a complete drive wheel is required as a replacement. The machine is no longer produced but parts are available from USA but the postage puts the price up to over £100.
Since I purchased this machine several similar grinders, including the Record Power WG250, have come onto the market and a drive wheel from Record is only £20. Does anyone know if the Record wheel is the same size and fitting as the Jet?
I am planning to go to the Tool Show at Kempton Park in October hoping I can persuade the staff on Record stand to compare the two wheels. Otherwise I could try sticking the old tyre on and filling the resulting gap with resin filler?
If you measure the dimensions of your Jet drive wheel, and the spindle diameter, I'm sure that if you give Record Power a call, they'll be able to tell you the dimensions of theirs. Really helpful small team:

You can call them on 01246 571 020. (Lines are open Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm).

Hope that might help.

I have had a Jet wet stone grinder (Tormek look alike) for nearly 20 years and the rubber tyre on the friction drive wheel has parted. The tyre is not listed separately on the parts list so it looks as if a complete drive wheel is required as a replacement. The machine is no longer produced but parts are available from USA but the postage puts the price up to over £100.
Since I purchased this machine several similar grinders, including the Record Power WG250, have come onto the market and a drive wheel from Record is only £20. Does anyone know if the Record wheel is the same size and fitting as the Jet?
I am planning to go to the Tool Show at Kempton Park in October hoping I can persuade the staff on Record stand to compare the two wheels. Otherwise I could try sticking the old tyre on and filling the resulting gap with resin filler?

Have you tried doing a google image search to see if the part exists for another machine that might fit?
Why not just risk the £20 on the Record part?

Is this a likely candidate?


If you want help, please do us the courtesy of posting a link to the manual for the machine.

A couple of ideas if sourcing a replacement proves impossible:

Is it anything like a bandsaw tyre? If so, find someone who re-tyres bandsaws (be sure they are not a retired re-tyrer or a tired re-tyrer) and they could fix it for you.

Someone posted the other day about getting polyurethane rollers for a thicknesser re-done. Again, there are places that offer this service if the piece you have looks more like one of these.
Why not just risk the £20 on the Record part?

Is this a likely candidate?


If you want help, please do us the courtesy of posting a link to the manual for the machine.

A couple of ideas if sourcing a replacement proves impossible:

Is it anything like a bandsaw tyre? If so, find someone who re-tyres bandsaws (be sure they are not a retired re-tyrer or a tired re-tyrer) and they could fix it for you.

Someone posted the other day about getting polyurethane rollers for a thicknesser re-done. Again, there are places that offer this service if the piece you have looks more like one of these.
Thanks to all who replied
ChaiLatte: It didn't occur to me to give a link to the manual, however your link to Toolsparesonline was most helpful. The drive wheel appears to be identical but on looking at the exploded view of the Triton they list the drive wheel and an O Ring (rubber tyre) separately. They are the only site that I have looked at that list them individually. I have ordered the O ring.
Thanks for your help.
I have this machine and quite like it but wish I'd stumped up for the tormek.
Yes, the Tormek is the Rolls Royce at RR prices. I have had 18 years good use from the Jet, adding Tormek jigs (for touching up woodturning tools) to the jigs that came with the grinder.
From experience I would recommend replacing the nut that holds the grind wheel with a stainless steel nut. When I needed to remove the casing to clean the commutator I found the wheel had welded itself to the nut., washer and drive shaft and had to remove the wheel and shaft as one. Also note that access to only one of the brushes is possible without removing the cover. Refitting the cover is a battle and required two people to spring it back on.
Chai Latte suggested Toolsparesonline.com, they carry a few Triton Wetstone spares that fit the Jet and I had excellent service from them. I ordered the rubber drive ring on Saturday and it arrived this morning (Tuesday), it was fitted fairly easily and the machine is running again.
I see Tormek have an anniversary edition - T8 Black, which comes with the standard 5 year warranty, but upon registering it they add 45 years, giving you a 50 year warranty

Interesting to know what that warranty offers. Usually if something is going to go wrong, it does so pretty much straight off, so from that im not sure 40 years or whenever down the line theres anything you could claim for