Another two nice pieces.
Like the spalted Beech piece,nice shape and finish.Like the way you've done the inside.
Also like the shape of the box.
Keep em coming
After spending yesterday tidying up the workshop to make space for
my new bandsaw (120mm depth of cut,compared to my old benchtop 80mm one - so I might finally get round to converting my collection of tree offcuts :wink: ) ,and going to see my grand-daughter today,found time to make this after tea :-
Poplar,225mm diameter,75mm high,oiled - has to be the dustiest timber I've turned so far,and the worst for end-grain tearout
Andrew.Another nice piece.
Nice new toy too.
Is that an Axminster model.Can you let me know how it is.
Nice clean workshop too.Can't be bad :wink: