A long overdue update. I've been making steady progress, in between doing the day job, watching my youngest learn to walk, birthday parties etc etc.
The construction simply consisted of screws at all the intersections, then shiplap cladding nailed on and the edges trimmed flush.
The walls clamped back together and the roof frames assembled in situ. I screwed the wall plates down and wedged the ridge parts in place using offcuts from earlier on.
All the angle cuts were cleaned up using a guide screwed onto my shooting board which I scaled from my drawings using some scrap ply- one for each side of the house.
The roof panels consist of rafters in line with the wall studs with 1/2" ply on top. There will be two posts at the front with a balustrade between them which will eventually support a slide. Once all this was glued up I was able to get on with painting. White on the inside, then masked off and PURPLE on the outside.
The recent progress was mainly possible through having the house to myself for a week during which time I was able to move our bikes into the dining room, along with anything else which would fit in the spare room to create space in the garage to set up for painting.