So how's the water level where you are? Funny, but whilst it tipped it down on Sunday and yesterday up here in the mid Pennines we experienced no floods. But brother was it wet! Over in Sheffield they've not been having such a good time of it, poor so and sos
The oddest thing I've seen on telly, though, was the "expert" who was sayin we'd all need to start considering "flood-proof rendering" on our houses to stop the water coming in. I'm still wondering how he'll get round the need for air vents/bricks below the DPC to ventilate the sub-floor space on houses with floating (timber) ground floors?
The oddest thing I've seen on telly, though, was the "expert" who was sayin we'd all need to start considering "flood-proof rendering" on our houses to stop the water coming in. I'm still wondering how he'll get round the need for air vents/bricks below the DPC to ventilate the sub-floor space on houses with floating (timber) ground floors?