Picked up this lump of iron on thursday, the bloke I got it off was planning on using it to cut logs up for his fire but a lack of 3 phase meant it sat in his garden rusting.
Its a wadkin SNR235 (I think!) 14" blade and 2hp motor, its a very simple machine, the motor and arbour assembly bolts to the bottom of the table which then sits on the base.
Pulled it apart yesterday and took the bearings out, they were well greased and look ok so they might go back in, need to have a good look at them.
All the paint needs stripping back then it will be primed and painted with the same paint I used on the wadkin planner I got off Karl, the only problem at the moment is the lack of riving knife and anywhere for it, so it looks like it never had one.
Almost in!

The base:

The arbour arm, it pivots on one end to adjust the blade height:

The motor was full of saw dust and spiders!

Does anyone know any good and safe methods of cleaning out the motor? I was thinking of compressed air, but it would be better if I could flush it out with something.