Ok Digit , you win , my van is a pile of poo ............but on a different tone , the goverment wont invest in the Vulcan as it is a blackhole financially , and I did see it fly over me in somerset about 2 years ago and have to say it was bloody impressive ........the reason the goverment will invest in large amounts of art work is down to investment , they will never devalue . Just ask how much artwork your local council holds , you will be suprised , any surplus budget is blown and the item is generaly locked away in a vault . I remember a programme a couple of years ago about a council that had squllionsof pounds worth of paint of canvas and it got found out , so they agreed to hold a exhibition to show the public how THEIR money was invested , but , here comes the kicker , you had to pay to see it LOL
Anyway , I do hope they find what they need , but sorry ,I have priorities of my own .
Cheers , Dusty